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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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that sums it up
That's been happening in this country since the introduction of league tables.

Grading is still
A - 80%
B - 70%
C - 60%

Three years ago, I went to college and did an AS level in maths. There were some things that we covered that I'd done in GCSE in the late 80s.
I have an O'level maths book (published in 1978) that has some topics in it that were in the A'level further maths course that I did a couple of years ago.

It's not the grade-levels that have altered, it's the depth of the subject matter that has been dumbed down and it pisses me off royally.

My mate's a teacher at sixth-form college and he said the intake of new students can't spell, can't construct a sentence and don't know their times-tables, or know how to do arithmetic with a pencil and paper.
(, Sun 23 Nov 2008, 13:12, Reply)

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