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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Surprise interview! I got a phone call 15 mins ago asking me to attend an interview at 4pm at a totally different company!

£9k pay rise potentially!

(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 15:32, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
*wishes luck*
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 15:38, Reply)
in my experience there's no such thing as luck...
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 15:40, Reply)
*rubs beard for luck*
Hope it goes well! I have one next Wednesday *interview glees*
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 15:56, Reply)
So how did it go?

(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 0:46, Reply)
Not too bad from my perspective...
It was in two parts -

An assessment: Basically "Do the job and we wanna see how much you can do with no training whatsoever" - I wasn't amazing but asked the right questions and was told they didn't expect me to get it 'right'.

An interview: This was the easy bit. The interviewers were two young, attractive ladies who'd clearly never interviewed anyone before. I had them like putty in my hand within about 10 mins and basically I 'led' the interview after that. They seemed impressed - I even managed to plug my gig tomorrow and they may actually turn up!

I should find out later today if I get it!
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 10:21, Reply)

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