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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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wandering topic
We're drifting from the goody goodness of pigs' heads scrummyness and off the question, but I feel I should help stop this myth.

I've kept dogs on three different continents and I too used to believe that a single chicken wing bone was enough to make my dogs' stomach explode in an alienesque fashion.

Simply not true folks. What do you think people feed thier dogs in developing countries- Chum? No! Mr Caeser? Doubtful!

Dogs eat the scraps from the table which undoubtedly contain animal bones/carcasses. I know in the developed West, we all treat animals and dogs especially, like they are humans but we are spoiling them.

Feed your dogs the OCCAISONAL pig's head for a tasty treat. Cassie (the family dog in question) was "put to sleep" last year - she was 22.
(, Tue 9 Dec 2008, 14:06, Reply)

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