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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Abbey National
Are a bunch of cunts.

They have charged me in the past few months over £100 in overdraft charges because their system is entirely fucked.

I hate them.

And to make it worse, im told I can't cancel my account until the 'fees has been paid' I ALREADY PAID THEM.

I need to sit down.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 10:29, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
They did exactly the same to me
Months and months it went on, them charging me twenty quid, me calling up to get it cancelled, then being charged again the very next month because I was 20 pounds in debt when the machine did its checking.

I have an open account with 20 quid in now. They keep offering me stuff to get me to use it. I keep refusing. I like to think there's a Gill-style account manager on the other end who's having his life ruined because of it.

Little things...
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 12:36, Reply)
Report them to the FSA
if nothing else, it gets the attention of the people working there who can get the mess sorted.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:39, Reply)
Claim them back
You won't get any money back until the banks appeal against the case the OFT bought against them is heard, but you should register your intent to reclaim them anyway, cos there's a very good chance they will lose the court case and be forced to repay any charges deemed unfair.

Which is likely to be a fair proportion of them.

(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:51, Reply)
Thanks for that information, i thought the case was over and they won - my mistake :)

I will register my intent and hope for the best... thanks guys!
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 21:36, Reply)

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