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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Springtime For Monkeysex and Althegeordie....
It kind of goes doesn't it?
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:00, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It most certainly does.
They should write a musical about us.

When we make it REALLY big, I promise I'll remember you.

Well, maybe not you, but some of you. Maybe.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:02, Reply)
The Empress
She's great with muscials. And Apeloverage.

"I voss just a nazi poy..."
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:03, Reply)
I want my signature song to be
'7 Things I Hate About You' by Miley Cyrus, but with 'you're an ugly cunt' dubbed over all of the things she hates.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:05, Reply)

I'll Captain your Scarlet PJM, and I'll Fuhrer your off topic Bert
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:06, Reply)
That makes no sense whatsoever, al.

Oooh! Ooooh! Instead of, 'you're an ugly cunt', I want a sound bite of Charlie Brooker saying, 'I look like a paedophile walrus.'
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:08, Reply)
Well neither does your face Bert
I'm going home cunt face. Hope you have a nice weekend wanking yourself dry.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:12, Reply)
I really will!
It's so sad. Oh, and so's your mum.

Cheerio al, have a good one!
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:13, Reply)
*signs off*
good weekend to all you depraved & disgusting nazis - even though you should be performing slave labor for me instead of enjoying leisure.

I could fford your streudel and dussel. but you are unworthy!

big smiley *fuck you* to b3tards.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:18, Reply)
Well, I think I found a pic of Bert for the occasion, anyway.

(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:47, Reply)

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