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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I wish that there really were fairies at the bottom of the garden
and that magic - like the type that Enid Blyton wrote about - was real.

What do you wish was real?

I'm bored, I've work to do and I want to avoid it. Entertain me.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 14:57, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
you mean they aren't?
I'd like it if mermaids were real.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:05, Reply)
I wish Moomins were real.
I'd love a pet moomin.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:06, Reply)
I'd go with what Kristine said
especially the Little Mermaid.

I also wish that my panthercopter was real
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:08, Reply)

and my girlfriend.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:10, Reply)
You know The Little Mermaid dies at the end of the story, right?

(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:12, Reply)
I want Genies to exist
I'd like to make a few wishes.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:13, Reply)
Lensman-like Psychic Powers
Oh there would be so much fun had.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:13, Reply)
I wish I could set fire to stuff by thinking about it.
That'd be fucking awesome.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:15, Reply)
The Power Rangers
Imagine trying to get to work when there's a giant robot kicking the shit out of a dinosaur on your high street.

You'd be sick of it within a month though, Network Rail would add it to their list of reasons for cancellations.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:18, Reply)
Kaol - I would then set fire to people pants

When they were on telly trying to be serious.

or I would set fire to all of the pidgeons in Trafalger Square to rain flaming meteors of feathers and shit onto all teh tourists below.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:18, Reply)
see through clothing spectacles
and world peace
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:36, Reply)
Maybe they are real and we just don't know it yet.

And lightsabres.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:48, Reply)
I had a dream the other night
That outside my house(!) sat a pristine 1944 vintage Spitfire. My Spitfire, and I could fly it too.

Yep, I still am that nine year old boy that always wanted to be a Spitfire pilot when he grew up.

*edit* Sorry, but me having my own Spitfire is more important than world peace.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:50, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:19, Reply)
Last night
I dreamt that I was Lara Croft in cowboy boots (the boots were important) and I was trapped on a giant nine-men-morris board (I think it's called that, it's an old board game with pegs rather like a cribbage board).
Anyway, when the baddie (no idea who) commanded it, all of these 'ants' crawled out of the peg holes at my feet and began to climb up my boots and onto my legs. I started to slap them off when I realised that actually they were tiny men, Arabian knights on horseback.

Then my mobile went off.
It was 1.45am.

I was rather pissed off - I was enjoying that dream.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:20, Reply)
Who the hell...
...called you at 1:45am?

I know it wasn't me. I was asleep at the time.
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:36, Reply)
My mother.
She was taking her mobile off charge (at almost 2am FFS!) and she denies calling me - her fingers must have 'slipped'.

And the Arabian knights were gone for good. :(
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:51, Reply)
I can imagine what you might have said to her...
...If you find the Arabian Knights again, can you ask them to return my Spitfire please?
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 18:04, Reply)

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