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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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The Police
I've had two run ins with the police. The first one was when I was arrested but not charged for wearing a bullet belt, this was just after Michael Ryan went mental with a shotgun in Hungerford. The arresting officer was fresh out of police school and thought that I could have been carrying a gun, the desk sergeant was very nice and apologetic, but they still kept me in while they ran ballistics tests.

And the second was when I was a witness to a mate being smacked on the head with a hammer. Again they were good and when taking our statements they "aided" our memories, it urned out that the guy who did it was out on licence and had many previous convictions for ABH. We went to Magistrates' court and didn't have to testify as the cunt pleaded guilty and was sent down.
(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 11:06, Reply)

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