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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I just washed my cat
And the sad part is - I'm actually serious.
I know I know - cats are supposed to wash themselves. But he was SO smelly! He's a ginger moggy and his feet were black!

Now he's all dry and ginger with white feet. And he's purring and has forgiven me.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 3:38, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I had a kitten once
who loved to come in the bath with me. She'd climb up on the bath, walk down me and curl up on my legs, in the water, purring away.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 7:48, Reply)
My Ginger Moggy
Would be mucky all the time - especially around the bottom of his back - if my white spotty torty did'nt take it upon herself to wash him regularly.

It's very cute. Ellie the ginger moggy has a metal arse resultant from a car-related incident when he was very young and belonged to my ex Mother-in-law, so he can't bend himself round properly.

Pippin the spotty girl is quite happy to wash him, after she's washed herself.

Brings a small spark to my anthracite soul every time I see it...
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 21:00, Reply)
I'd add
That I live at the highest land point west of the Urals - (I'm 970 feet ASL, and the Urals are 1000 miles away in Russia) - and it's wazzing it down with snow at the moment.

The cats can see blizzards, and snowdrifts forming, out of the back door and their cat flap.

So they're meeowing to go out of the front door on the atavistic assumption that it'll be a beautiful spring morning there with squirrels to chase.

Stoopid cats.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 21:56, Reply)
No jokes about posting a pic of your wet pussy? What is this place coming too :0(
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 15:44, Reply)

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