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Let's have a night thread..

Watchu got against sleeping?
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 23:38, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Not much...
Sleep doesn't seem to like me so much.

I've been up drawing this week's exciting instalment of my comic.
It'll be online in a few minutes.
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 23:47, Reply)
Not sure I can stomach your comic stuff right now..
..maybe I'll look tomorrow when not drunk and stoned. I appreciate your stuff in the same way I appreciate the shining and the exorcist.. I know they are very good films but they freak me the fuck out and so most of the time I don't want to watch them. Kaol iz ardcore.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:32, Reply)
Poor Elvis!

Good choice though, this week is a slightly darker, gorier one than any before.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:36, Reply)
This is the latest I've stayed up
during the week for more than a year I reckon. Didn't even have to try, which is odd considering what time I got up this morning.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:37, Reply)
Fair enough!
I'm fucking knackered, but not sleepy, if that makes sense.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:40, Reply)
knackered, yes
even though I spent all day interwebbing and napping. had to force myself outside to fetch provisions for my brother, who is under the whether and can't party like Lemmmy.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:48, Reply)
My nose is running like a leaky tap :(

WTF's the evolutionary reason for that response? Are my nasals trying to flush-out the bad guys?

*prepares tissue dams*
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:52, Reply)
I'm not an insomniac - I'm just procrastinating and leaving things to the last minute as usual.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:52, Reply)
I'm knackered too..
..but I'm in that dangerous drunken mood where you don't want to sleep ever.

I'm going to check kaol's comic and hope it has a sobering effect.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:52, Reply)
I got to sleep about four/five yesterday morning.
Then had to get up for work.
Got home from work.
Drew the new comic.
Now I'm going for a smoke.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:52, Reply)
it's 10 a.m. over here
and I'm at work, bah.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 0:54, Reply)
glad Kaol has his ciggies
@ No3l, hope you have some nice soft hankies. if not, *here's one for you*
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 1:01, Reply)
I do indeed have my smokes.
Much better.

Right... Bed now.
Doesn't seem so cold tonight. Could see my damn breath last night.

G'night all.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 1:09, Reply)
I've been a complete twat..
..I've slandered someone on another messageboard quite badly. Total internet failure. www.thecommitteetokeepmusicevil.com is where I have failed. I need to sell my laptop. It brings no end of trouble. I really feel like a fucking prat.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 1:36, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 6:33, Reply)

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