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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It was brilliant
Especially since both the knockouts were the Scots players fault! Got to love Martin Williams getting up after the first one as if nothing had happened, then 20 minutes later going over to hit the second bloke before he realised he was already unconscious!

@ Vipros - eh? The Welsh are very passionate about rugby yeah, I wouldn't say we're worse losers than anyone else though. It's the national sport in Wales so everyone gets into it, unlike England where it's the sport of public school educated cunts and people who drive to Twickenham in their Range Rovers. Different game entirely.

@ Captain, yeah, I have two issues with it, one being what are they doing recording such data in the first place, and the second being I don't trust them not to lose a memory stick with the data on, or fuck up the database! The lack of ID cards will be (I can't believe I'm saying this) the one good thing about the Tories getting in at the next election. I will refuse to carry an ID card though whatever the punishment.
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 10:33, Reply)

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