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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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The fact they have too much holiday is a separate issue
As is the fact they do the work of ~0.1 person when they do turn up...

(as is the fact that the snow wasn't actually bad enough to prevent 99.99% of people round here getting to work, as K2 points out)

But how can they expect to not go into work, not take it out of their holiday, AND STILL GET PAID?

They need a fucking reality check!

Edit: yeah Lab, I took half day off and obviously it came out of my holiday. Leaving aside the simple 'don't turn up to work = don't get paid' equation that I don't find very difficult to comprehend, it would be unfair on the people who walk to work and worked that half day if I had the afternoon off without being penalised for it.
(, Wed 11 Feb 2009, 8:53, Reply)

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