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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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For me I'd have to have a threesome
with tourette's and chickenlady, they seem perfectly pleasant on here, and I've never met them, but in the pictures I've seen they both have that look in their eye, the look that says 'I could easily ruin a man'.

I'd probably fling my muck up al's Mrs too, and if I'd ever seen DiT's new wife, she'd probably be entitled to a portion as well.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:33, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
DiT's wife looks rather nice from her photo
she is amusing also, which is a bonus. crap taste though.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:35, Reply)
Where can I find this photo?
I need it for research purposes.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:36, Reply)
use your initiative
she is a b3tan
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:36, Reply)
Is she?
What's her name?

EDIT Also, answer the question, whose Mrs would you boink?
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:37, Reply)
flim flam the magnificent is her name
I'd go for an orgy of all of them. A cop out I know, but I'm indecisive.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:45, Reply)
Well I never...
I'm in shock, how did he pull such a stunner? I've met the guy, I was expecting his wife to be Lisa Riley's ugly sister.

Indecisiveness is ok, I only whittled mine down to about four.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:47, Reply)
I'm touched
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:14, Reply)
I bloody wish

(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 15:20, Reply)
Am I the only one here who finds all this a bit creepy?

(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:53, Reply)

(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 13:55, Reply)
Just makin' sure I'm not a prude by saying who's wives/sisters/girlfriends/whatever you want to fuck, and letting them know by telling them.

I just want to make sure that it really is creepy by letching after verious girls who you've cyber-stalked.

I wasn't sure, see, 'cus it might not be the act of a complete and utter sexpest (not 'lol, I R SEX PEST', a propper 'dayum man, your wife looks HAWT' sexpest) to go through bash photos and point out who you'ld like to fuck, and maybe rate them too.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:04, Reply)
it's meant to be light-hearted appreciation of some of the lovelier ladies of B3ta, and at the same time see who's lusting after the women on here that are already taken, in the hope that it will spark a little controversy.

That's all.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:07, Reply)
Oh, ok then, fair enough.
Your mum, sister, auntys, grannys, daughter(s), nices and that neffew who looks like a pre-pubesisant girl.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:14, Reply)
Are all of those spelling mistakes deliberate?

(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:15, Reply)
"It's not the content that I disagree with, it's more the spelling mistakes"

(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:17, Reply)
Exactly that.
I can see your point, I do come across as a sex pest online, but if you'd known me back in the early days of Off Topic, and before that on QOTW, you'd know all about the goats, half-used monkeys and the three-way sex chat between al, Kaol and I, and you'd have a better understanding of what I'm all about.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 15:16, Reply)
I went through the b3ta flickr site
I concluded two things: (a) yes Madam Marlboro is very attractive but it doesn't require a herd of internet losers to point this out at the bottom of every picture of her (poor girl) and (b) I think I'm gay for Donkey Gums.
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:10, Reply)
Just answer the question
and stop being a fanny
(, Wed 26 Aug 2009, 14:04, Reply)

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