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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I throw up a fair bit
I once threw up, drank some fizzy water to sooth myself, threw that up. I swear the bile was fizzy.
I've also eaten, then thrown up pretty much straight away, leaving the food pretty recognisable.
Most unusual colour...bright red. I'd been on blue alcopops (this was...erm...2 months ago. I'm a disaster) so I remember pondering why on earth it was red.
(, Tue 13 Apr 2010, 11:29, 1 reply, 14 years ago)
Have seen you around in yonks, how the devil are you?
(, Tue 13 Apr 2010, 11:32, Reply)
Fiiiiiiiine, I've been around, just three links to the left.
I seem to be being burned as a whore. It's not too bad.

Sorry I didn't reply to your last text, battery died and catchup drinks went wrong. Very wrong. Bounding into your male friend's room at 1am, playing disney songs from his laptop, smoking his cigarettes, drinking his neat Lidl vodka straight then making horrible faces, and being a nuisance wrong. How are things in the land of the Magic Bus?
(, Tue 13 Apr 2010, 11:35, Reply)
That sounds fun.
Although, neat Lidl vodka? no wonder you made faces.

Things are great now that I'm back. Cheshire sucks. Only two people in my flat though, no one else gets back til Sunday. So I have no excuse to not do any work.
(, Tue 13 Apr 2010, 11:52, Reply)

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