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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I have a younger brother and an older sister.
My sister is great and we get on really well, always have done, which is nice. My brother, while lovely, does have some 'issues', mainly the borrowing of money from my parents and never returning it and also he now has a job which means he gets to carry around a knife/saw on his belt - this disturbs me in a vivid technicolor of ways.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:19, 4 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
hey you
still dead?
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:22, Reply)
*swats at flies*

(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:23, Reply)
You should see a doctor about that flatulence

(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:30, Reply)
That's not flatulence
Parp - that's flatulence.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:33, Reply)
Dear god, open a window, woman!

(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:34, Reply)
But I'm on the 8th floor
my window doesn't open!

*sticks head under jumper*
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:36, Reply)
I'd light a match
But I don't think I trust the look of that fire escape
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:37, Reply)
The disappointing b-side by 'The Rock Steady Crew'

(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:27, Reply)
Heh. Needs more electric boogaloo.

(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 14:39, Reply)
It's a nice try,
but we all know Tightly is operating your mummified corpse with a system of strings and pulleys.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:23, Reply)
I'm still alive. He wouldn't kill me, he needs me to cook him bolognaise and do his washing.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:26, Reply)
Is it wrong I am imagining a
musical version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? With additional scene: TJ shows leatherface how to deal with those nasty bloodstains with common household products!
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:24, Reply)
You are more than welcome to imagine what you like! :)
My bro told me that he is chopping down trees for the Forestry Commission but I'm not so sure...
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:32, Reply)
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:38, Reply)
Alright mrs!
How goes it?
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:41, Reply)
It goes alrighty all things considered
We need a catch-up soon.
How's your tings?
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:45, Reply)
Jolly good maaaaa'm
You're right we do need a catch-up, I think the last time I saw you was in April... is that right!? That's loco! :(
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:48, Reply)
It is too loco
Next time I'm down we should have a sip
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 13:56, Reply)
Yes yes yes!
Oh that's right, the last time I saw you was at your brief stop-over at the pub - that was yonks ago!! :(
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 14:00, Reply)

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