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This is a question Advice from Old People

Sometimes, just sometimes, old people say something worth listening to. Ok, so it's like picking the needle out of a whole haystack of mis-remembered war stories, but those gems should be celebrated.

Tell us something worthwhile an old-type person has told you.

Note, we're leaving the definition of old up to you, you smooth-skinned youngsters.

(, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:16)
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Wimminfolk wisdom
"Eat your crusts and your hair will go curly."
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 19:25, 53 replies)
I was told
Eat your crusts or your hair will go curly. Hence I always ate the crusts and have had damnably straight hair all my life.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 19:29, closed)
they've been toying with us!
I ate my crusts and only the front of my hair is curly, and really it's more wavy/frizzy than curly.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 19:30, closed)
I ate all my crusts
and I do have curly hair. My daughter also eats her crusts and has poker straight hair. Her sister, who trims off the crusts, has a mass of curls.


I don't think I believe that one
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 19:44, closed)
There you go!
With a sample size of 5, science says NO.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 19:53, closed)
Well I think
we can tell K2k6 where to go with his earlier "science" theory.

Looks like his Gran was right after all.

Remember folks, always believe the old people.

like chcb

*runs like fuck*

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:02, closed)
I wasn't the oldest there,
was I?

You look older.

*hijacks truck of anti-ageing cream*
*drowns in pentapeptides*
*changes 'pentapeptide' to 'the Pentapep Tide' for pun purposes*
*realises it's Saturday night and she's on b3ta*
*bangs head repeatedly on laptop*
*runs out of asterisks*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:11, closed)
I've viewed the pictures
you can't possible have been the oldest there chcb.

I'm also sat on b3ta on a Saturday night ...

*bangs head on keyboard*


*rubs sore forehead*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:14, closed)
Al looks
a helluva lot older than I thought he would. CHCB looks more gorgeous than I thought she'd look. The rest of you look about how I'd imagined
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:18, closed)
aw, thanks. Is that because I wasn't making my profile-picture angry retard face?

The QOTW girls are hot.
The fellas needed so much photoshopping before I put those pictures up.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:20, closed)
I don't think
I'd seen the picture before, so yes, infinitely better than apple chewing face lady
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:21, closed)
I look younger
if I don't have a beard.


*wonders if looking older than you think means that I appear immature on b3ta*

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:32, closed)
Don't worry girls..
When I meet you all I'll definitely be the oldest one there : (
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:44, closed)
age is a number - the person you are is more important. By next April, I'll be on the other side of 40 as well.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:49, closed)
And remember
you're only as old as the person you're feeling.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:51, closed)
Age may be a number but my face doesn't fit my mind anymore. Your less inclined to be silly when you look like your mum.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:52, closed)
That's worse, that would mean I feel 45.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:53, closed)
Oh sorry
just ignore my advice then, it's clearly rubbish.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:56, closed)
my mother told us this too. She ate her crusts and has slightly curly hair, her three daughters were always made to eat crusts and all have poker straight hair.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 21:18, closed)
Nah, I just thought you'd be younger than you appear. I think everyone on here is at least a little immature at times.

*pokes and runs away giggling*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 21:48, closed)
oh I don't know
*imagines nigellaesque beauty in low cut top and hairy chest*

Actually, now I think about it

*removes hair from vision of drunken welsh beauty*

Yeah, better without the hairs. You should avoid teh crusts!
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:26, closed)
*pokes becky and shout u is gay lolz!*
QOTW is for the sensible people, clearly.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:37, closed)
*punches MM on teh arm*
*runs away*

Oh Noes!

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:38, closed)
*chinese burn on al*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:39, closed)
Miss! Miss! MM did a chinese burn on me! No she did Miss! Miss it really hurts miss! No I didn't start it miss, it was her she said I was a poo head. Miss!
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:41, closed)
liar, liar, pants on fire
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:42, closed)
Killz u all
With a Kaol knife.

Oops, did I go too far?
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 22:53, closed)
There's always one isn't there
*takes advantage of momentary distraction to run away*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:00, closed)
You can't run away, you're dead!

Oh wait, so am I.

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:02, closed)
*hopes the Mrs didn't see that*

*assumes she didn't by virtue of the fact that he still has functioning testicles*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:16, closed)
If you can bring you missus
to a b3ta bash, I'm sure she'd understand.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:17, closed)
If you made it rotting whale meat I would feel a whole lot better. And Bert would pole dance for us too.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:25, closed)
Bert looks like a monkey

I'm sorry, it had to be said.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:28, closed)
so nice
you had to say it twice?
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:29, closed)
I was just trying to do that fancy html malarkey

he does though
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:33, closed)
It's true
he does.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:33, closed)

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:34, closed)
*strips to the waist*

*applies whale meat*


Mmmmmmmm, yeah.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:39, closed)
I'm glad I've met you
because now I can really visualise that
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:41, closed)
The question is
does that make it better or worse?
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:43, closed)
I'm not really sure
but I can see it now.

@ancrenne- both.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:44, closed)
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:55, closed)
errrrm, MM, the pffft is meant to represent a sort of sputtering noise, you're not meant to break wind.

*covers nose*
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:56, closed)
sorry. stopped that nonsense now.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 23:57, closed)
I don't know why that would be an incentive
I mean, presumably the old person is trying to get a child to eat crusts.

But why would curly hair be necessarily desirable? Surely it's all down to personal preference.

For me, I like straight hair. Curly hair is a turn-off.
(, Sun 22 Jun 2008, 10:51, closed)
Chat continues here
(, Mon 23 Jun 2008, 1:16, closed)

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