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Home » Question of the Week » The Onosecond » Post 32395 | Search
This is a question The Onosecond

Wired magazine once defined the 'onosecond' as the time between hitting 'send' and realising that you really didn't mean to send that to your granny.

What inappropriate email/text/photo have you sent to wrong people? Are they speaking to you any more?

(, Thu 26 May 2005, 10:15)
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my freind (dan) sent me an offensive text message,through boltblue.com, which leaves an advert at the end of each message: txt messages 30p at bolt blue.com (or sumthin)
to which i replied: "stupid wanker. your mum half price at bucketfanny.com"
only i sent it to "dad mobile" instead of "dan mobile"

(, Fri 27 May 2005, 19:55, Reply)

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