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This is a question PE Lessons

For some they may have been the highlight of the school week, but all we remember is a never-ending series of punishments involving inappropriate nudity and climbing up ropes until you wet yourself.

Tell us about your PE lessons and the psychotics who taught them.

(, Thu 19 Nov 2009, 17:36)
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Are you... wet?
Back at prep school, the older girls (aged 12/13) were allowed the use of the two individual shower cubicles which each had an actual shower-curtain, whilst all younger girls had to use the communal shower with its yellow-stained tiles and soggy verucca plasters blocking the drain.

Lucky older girls, you would think, no?


The younger girls had to suffer the indignity of a female teacher watching them all run around under the dribbly shower-heads, to make sure that they were indeed cleansing themselves after a strenuous hour of doing fuck-all in rounders.

Because the older girls, however, took advantage of using the shower curtains to prevent anyone seeing if they'd started puberty yet (if you had, you were roundly mocked), the teachers felt that they had to check that a shower had indeed been taken (instead of the girl just standing in the cubicle and avoiding the water). The teacher would stand outside the cubicles, and as a girl emerged from the cubicle she would have to stand still, towel clutched in front of her as the teacher ran her hands over the girls bottom, to check if it was wet.

At the time this seemed perfectly normal. Suddenly, however, I'm not so sure.
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 11:53, 9 replies)
Oh. My. God
Are you serious??
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 11:58, closed)
Worrying, isn't it.
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 12:02, closed)
Christ on a bike...
PaEdo teachers or what?
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 12:05, closed)
I...um...may need to just disappear to the gents' for a minute
Wanking jokes aside though, that's really quite sinister...
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 12:17, closed)
is there an application from

(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 12:38, closed)
Exactly what i was thinking
But do we choose where we check for wetness or is it set in stone
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 12:51, closed)
My girlfriend
Has a similar story about her (male) P.E. teacher making girls who didn't get changed fast enough run through the communal showers with the showers on. Due to the fact that they were being punished for not changing quickly enough, they were usually left wearing a barely visible, soaking wet blouse, which he would then assist in tucking in.

Filth, absolute filth.
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 13:00, closed)

(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 20:30, closed)
is bringing back uncomfortable memories
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 13:09, closed)

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