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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Re: speed cameras
but Mordred, the majority (i have no specific stats but I have seen various articles that support my argument) of accidents involving cars involve excessive speeds. Countries with higher speed limits have higher road death rates. If everyone drives at the speed limit (whether or not a camera is there) then you are less likely to be involved in a crash.

No-one "sells" speed cameras, and certainly in the past (may still be true, I don't know) the problem was that you needed to have two fatalities at a location before they could install a speed camera. That seems pretty unreasonable to me.
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 11:00, Reply)

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