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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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A few more
BMW drivers, especially X5 drivers with X5 *** numberplates

"Individuals" who actually look like everyone else, listen to the same music as everyone else and has rthe same stupid haircut as everyone else, but claims to be rebelling.

People who let what should be small protions of their lives become the be all and end all of their lives. You know the type: "I won't get a job because they'll make me cut my hair and then no-one will know that I like Norwegian-indutrial-speedcore-thrash-death-grind-folk nu-metal that is as black as the tortured depths of my soul and my t-shirt. And it'd interfere with my WoW time". Or BMW owners.

People who feel the need to tell you that they are vegitarian / gay / a mother / a * fan every five minutes. (* insert sport / sports club / band here)

Parents who don't exert any control over their kids in public. Yes it's very cute that little Johnny can run around the pub, singing the first line of "La Bamba" repeatedly, but he won't look so cute when he's wearing soup of the fucking day, will he?


People who use the words "community" on a regular basis.

Snobs. "Oh you use Windows and M$ Office, do you? I only use a freeware OS, coded by communist rainforest dwellers and FrewareOffice, which is made of recycled cocnuts. They're much more powerful!" And don't even get me started on music snobs.

Crap drivers. And not just "drives like I've got a deathwish and want to take you all with me" drivers but also those who are just incosiderate - poor road positioning, driving at 60% of the speed limit, no matter the conditions, failing to indicate, random lane changes, hogging the middle lane, not letting non-BMW drivers out of side streets, dithering at junctions, I could go on all day...
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 13:50, 3 replies)
I want software
made of recycled cocknuts
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 14:04, closed)
Oh dear!
Snobs. "Oh you use Windows and M$ Office, do you? I only use a freeware OS, coded by communist rainforest dwellers and FrewareOffice, which is made of recycled cocnuts. They're much more powerful!" And don't even get me started on music snobs.

I'd like to raise my hand and say i *am* one of those people (the computery kind).

I use OpenOffice and Ubuntu Linux on my desktop. I also use Apache / TomCat / PHP / MySQL for my server applications, all of which are free to use. I don't use them because i'm a snob or an elitist, i use them becuase they're much better than the bloated over-priced 'products' from Microsoft.

I find Linux makes my job much easier. Microsoft has it's advantages, agreed, but please do not label free software users as snobs.
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 14:47, closed)

"People who let what should be small protions of their lives become the be all and end all of their lives. You know the type: "I won't get a job because they'll make me cut my hair and then no-one will know that I like Norwegian-indutrial-speedcore-thrash-death-grind-folk nu-metal that is as black as the tortured depths of my soul and my t-shirt. And it'd interfere with my WoW time". Or BMW owners."

How about: people who dictate how much time a person should be allowed to dedicate to a subject that interests them?
(, Thu 8 May 2008, 9:52, closed)

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