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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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In spite of everything I say about how much I hate emos and their music
right now, I am sad and cross and many many things all at once because men can never make their minds up what they want. So, I also hate indecisive people.

- People who invade my personal space on the bus, on trains and otherwise get too close for comfort. Especially if I have to sit next to them and they are clearly mad in some way. I am only little and don't take up that much space but that doesn't mean you can have what I'm not using!

- Clubbing - don't get me wrong, I enjoy a night out with my friends as much as the next person, although I don't tend to enjoy the taste of alcohol much any more, but I have never ever really seen the point of going to a club. On average, you can't talk to anyone because it's too loud, in my experience they're never playing any music worth listening to, and you invariably get groped by men who may or may not be old enough to be your father, you lose all your friends in the throng, you get hot and sweaty and crammed into spaces, if you have a drink in your hand it's like people are magnetically drawn to it so they will spill it, and by the time you're significantly drunk to enjoy yourself it's time to leave. I much prefer popping down to the pub for a few drinks and then either heading off to someone's house to continue the merriment there, or going out for ladies' cocktails or something. That, and most of the clubs I've ever been to are full of old pervy men trying to get laid, or chavs (ditto).

- Also, I think the guy sat two seats to my left in the library either hates me for some reason or is a b3tan as he keeps looking at me oddly.

- Fall Out Boy and their like - Patrick Stump is not a genius. Nor is he a sex god. Grow up. Ditto the one with the smirk who got his cock out on the internet - you think that wasn't staged?

- Oh, and signs that use unnecessary quotation marks: 'Please "do not" park your cars in front of these doors' - no, but I know where I'd like to park that sign...
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 14:01, 4 replies)
you've never been to a good one which actually plays good music, just the usual mtv dance shite.
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 14:41, closed)
Someone who feels the same about clubbing. Never could understand peoples love for the urine reekin' hell pits. The only difference between us it seems is that as a long haired, beared male the neds that try to chat me up and grope my ass get a big surprise when i turn round. (this happens at almost precise 30 minute intervals)
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 15:38, closed)
@ phe
There is one decent club in Canterbury that plays rock and a bit of everything that I like and my other half is going there tonight without me *pouts*.
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 19:40, closed)
@ Malcav
Yay, I am not alone in my hatred of the chav club! The worst ones are the most persistent and are invariably either old enough to be my father or young enough to be my son, practically, and are usually drunk out of their skulls.

Having said that I went out to Wetherspoons for my birthday last year and while I was waiting for some friends to show up some old lech came and put his arm on my shoulder. I snapped "just WHAT do you think you're doing?" and he ran away. Yay me :)
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 19:44, closed)

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