What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.
( , Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Drivers who tailgate, ignore red lights or think that the white lines at traffic lights must be straddled by at least half your car and you mustn't at any point actually apply your fucking brakes so that you actually stop at the bastard lights instead of inching over the fucking line every second. A couple of ignorant cunts nearly killed wifey the other week by flying through a red light as she was walking over crossing - yeah, great, surivive cancer and be killed by some absolute fucking cock head who cant see further than their own nose. Oh and the stupid tin cans a lot of chavs have strapped to their exhausts - IT'S A TESCO VALUE BEAN CAN YOU PRICK AND YOUR CAR SOUNDS LIKE SHITE!!
Cats - yes, I know blasphemy, stone the unbeliever, blah blah - why the hell can't their ignorant owner at least make sure the bastards have a shit before they are let out. I really do want to clean your cats shite out of my garden on a weekly basis, filling up a carrier bag and wasting space in my bin, no, really, I love it, honestly. I have started hoying it back over the fence when I find it now. Maybe they'll get the message, or maybe I should start hoying my dogs' shite over there as well.
Wiggers, chavs and Year 10 kids - on the day I left work last week one pain in the arse little chav decided to take the piss and was acting the hard man in front of his mates. Later on he tried it again by leaving the dining hall with food and drink (a big non-no at the school) and moaned and bitched when told to go back, ignored me, tried to force his way past me, swore at me, etc. Yeah, real smart, I leave work for good today, you really didn't want all your coursework to remain on the network did you?, are you sure your account has the password imadrippydickend? He was brought to apologise to me and refused because I'm only support staff, and I don't have a life. Cunts.
I spent my first week working in prison this week. Working with murderers, thieves, drug dealers and users, and other various scum of the earth was a breath of fresh air compared to working in a school. They are polite to staff, smile more, can take a joke, and despite being sneaky bastards I find myself loving going to work with them.
I'm sure there's plenty more I can think of but it can wait, I'm of for a drink.
Ooo, one last one, nitrite spikes in a nicely populated aquarium.
( , Sat 3 May 2008, 21:20, Reply)
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