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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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funny shaped heads, etc
not really sure what people are supposed to do about that one. wear one of those head training braces or something. just stop getting in my line of vision with your funny head. urgh.

Women who look kinda like men. Well no, more specifically, women who look completely sexless, not even big demonstradykes. I have no idea why this bothers me. I like men and women, but I like to be able to tell the difference.

People who hate starbucks. Its actually not the antichrist, they do fairtrade coffee and stuff and it doesnt taste like horrible burnt shit, so get over it.

People who go on diets. Well, people who go on diets, and tell you all about it. I could not be less interested, unless you were also thinking of telling me about your children or bowel movements.

TV shows entitled stuff like 'my body hell', which is never about some horrific disease like Ebola or something legitimately hellish, its about how some woman is slightly fat and its ruining her life, all because she can't eat something green every now and then and do some fucking exercise.

white people who are darker in tone than black people by virtue of tanning beds. If your skin is darker than your hair, you just look plain weird.

people who go into sex shops (usually this type of person can only brave Ann Summers) and giggle loudly at everything as soon as they enter, possibly to cover up their obvious sexual hang-ups.

People who pronounce 'auction' as 'oction', and 'theft' as 'fetht', 'specific' as 'pacific', etc.

Fussy eaters. You're not 6 any more, vegetables are not the devil, just eat your stupid carrots and stop bitching.

People on trains.
Should have made an entire new post for this one. Mainly when they are:

Opening all the fucking windows when its cold.

Closing all the fucking windows when its hot.

Sitting next to me when their is an entire carriage free. I am not your friend. These big headphones mean you should not engage me in conversation.

Playing music on their mobile phone. Just fucking die off, no-one wants to hear your shitty chav RnB shit, especially out of shitty. shrill mobile phone speakers. I hope your mobile phone gives you cancer.

Eating loudly. Stop sucking on that werthers original so hard, it sounds like you're about to turn inside out.

Talking loudly, constantly, arguing, singing football/BNP chants, making repetitive noises, chatting shit. Everyone hates you.

Sitting on the table instead of the seat, on purpose. Oh yes, you are quite the rebel. Don't let the man boss you around, with his little hat and card machine and ticket stamp...oh wait, thats not 'The Man', thats just the fucking ticket collecting guy, who wants you to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up so that he can do his job. Dick.

Eating smelly food. Tuna and egg sandwiches should be banned from public places.

Drinking cans of beer/anything alcoholic. Its lunchtime, why do you need to drink on a train? This suggests you are becoming an alcoholic, or are some disgusting tracksuit wearing gobby inbred retarded chav, either way you have some problems.

Anyone who gets on/off at Newark Castle or Newark Northgate. God fucking damn you, you are inevitably some perpetrator of the above offences. And you're gonna come into Lincoln for some shitty night out at Walkabout or Ritzy's, drink 1200 bacardi breezers and vomit on the doorstep of my house.

Apologies for most things, its 6am and i'm too angry to sleep.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 6:09, 2 replies)
I don't believe you.

You expect us to believe that people travel to Lincoln for a night out???
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 6:45, closed)
I ALWAYS say that.
People look like freaks if their skin is orange and their hair is blonde.
And as much as they don't think so, PALE OFTEN LOOKS GOOD.
Jesus fucking Christ.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 8:38, closed)

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