What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.
( , Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Why do people vandalise what they use? If you need a bus or train to get around, why are you fucking it up? You're a moron.
Folks that do stuff just because they can, thinking it makes them cleverer than all the rest of us idiots who follow societies rules and have respect for others. Yes, you can indeed 'Fuck the system' by doing stuff like going through red lights, stealing from your neighbours, and beating weaker people up and taking their stuff, but after a while when you find everyone around you behaving like that in order to stop being fucked over by such anti social behaviour, then we all live in a shite hole where it ain't safe to step out the door.
THIS is the reason why people mainly follow the rules, because it means you can live a decent life with your fellow man, by breaking them you're just fucking everything up for everyone, including, eventually, yourself, when you find yourself living in your own self made hell with bars on your fucking windows.
People that can't tell the difference between getting noticed and being annoying.
Yes, playing your tinny shitty mobile music loudly at the back of the bus gets you lots of attention, as does making your shitty little moped sound like a mosquito in a bull horn or sticking your shitty bass heavy stereo in the windows at 2 am, but everyone hates you and thinks you're a sad worthless prick with no life who's only means of getting any attention is pissing everyone off and is so stupid they think this is big and clever of them.
You are an idiot and an arsehole, and everyone around you looking your way is thinking exactly this, well done you, your mother must be very proud.
On a similar vein, arseholes with no manners or decorum, like folks who jump queues, make a public area their own or are rude to those around them. Good manners and a little courtesy cost nothing, take no effort, and make the day pass by much smoother for everyone, not partaking in them does not make you big and clever, it just makes you a cunt.
People who lie for no reason and present a perfectly plausible scenario, like 'Oh, my Father was a vicar, he used to give us sermons every Sunday at his church' or somesuch, then when you say 'Oh really?' then laugh at you for believing them. Why? Eventually everyone just stops listening to anything you say. Whoopee.
Hateful gossip. Again, why? And why do people give them any power by believing what they say instead of just asking the person they've chosen to destroy the reputation of? Are they all such sad pathetic idiots they have nothing better to do? Real lives are not your soap opera, stop it.
Rage against unchangeable facts. Aaargh, that man is indian, Grrr, people of other cultures exist, OMFG, some people are gay. Yes. And the sky is sometimes blue and one day you will die, how about you learn to accept these things you can't change and just get on with your own life?
I could go on, but to end on a more positive note, I endeavour to be a law abiding, courteous, kind and open, trustworthy and loving human being (not that I can't be a twat sometimes too, I'm not Jesus), and I find that eventually anyone who gets to know me one on one gets to like these qualities and will become good friends who will go out of their way for me, as will I for them, and you know what, thus far, life may not always have been easy or monetarily rich, but within my chosen group it has generally been a happy and comfortable one where I've never been short of support or love and I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder, so all you out there who do the same, get the same, but occasionally get ridiculed or fucked over by some cunt, pity them and the sad and lonely life they must lead.
Oh, and if your life is shite and nobody cares or ever gives you anything nice, have you ever thought it might be because you're a cunt?
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 9:52, 4 replies)

I never understood it. Ever.
Especially when I see, for example, that someone has scratched a bus window with graffiti. I have to ask myself, what the fuck is going through the mind of these vandals?
Question: would you like to ride on a nice, shiny, clean bus - or would you like to ride on one that looks like shit?
These people are just making the world around them look like shit. Why? Do they prefer it that way? I never understood it.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 10:03, closed)

You summed it up perfectly.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 11:41, closed)

To all of it.
I've been trying to mash up a passage to correctly encompass my frustrations with the world and the rude, petty idiots that seem to populate the majority of it - but I keep coming across posts expressing it a lot better than I can.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 12:48, closed)

the twunts who destroy the few phone boxes we have left, in the belief that everyone has a mobile, and it will never be needed to phone 999.
( , Tue 6 May 2008, 19:04, closed)
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