An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.
Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.
Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?
( , Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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These are limited to an allergy to shellfish (not too bad as the only one I actually like the taste of is Crab) and a dislike of Broad Beans, who's squeaky texture makes me feel sicky.
I occasionally try broad beans to see if it is still the case, given the large number of veggies that had to be forced down me, or smothered with sauce when I was a kid, but that now I eat with relish. Without relish... You know what I mean. Still can't eat them.
I like fish, but due to an hospital-necessitating incident with a fishbone when I was young I prefer fillets to steaks or whole fish. I can't enjoy the food if I'm constantly on the watch for bones. That's not to say that I won't eat a fish steak if it's put in front of me.
Other than that, if it's food, I'll eat it. Fried eggs with runny bits in the white. Steak can be anything between blue and well done. All the 'pretty' animals: duck, lamb, rabbit etc. Num num. Alligator and kangaroo are both tried and liked. Haven't had insect yet, but I wouldn't say no to trying it. If someone served up liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti and didn't tell me till half way through the plate, I'd probably shrug and finish it. So long as the sauce was good :)
Boring, I know. Those around me are a little more interesting. I have a friend who insists on butter on toast, but will only have margarine in sandwiches. Vehemently refusal on both counts if her wishes are not obeyed.
My brother in law is a 'Not if it's foreign' merchant. Won't eat chicken chasseur, but loves chicken casserole. Won't eat bolognese, but loves 'Tomatoey mince with mash'. Boeuf Berginon(?) won't pass his lips, but he likes beef stew made with red wine.
As a family we're educating him. He'll now try things with garlic in them (after a kiev sicked garlic butter over his sausages in the oven, and we didn't tell him until after). He can take rice in small doses, and Xmas just gone he was caught sneaking some Brie. He actually looked guilty.
I think his introduction to Chinese needs to be Duck Pancakes and then Chicken Balls (He can have tomato ketchup, we'll have the sweet and sour, but urge him to try a bit)...
An Ex of mine lived on Chicken for two years.
Heh. 'So many cats, so few recipes'. Heh.
( , Thu 1 Mar 2007, 20:39, Reply)
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