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This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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Custardy Bastard
I knew a chap who claimed that if any even the TINIEST bit of custard touched anything he ate, he would throw up. While he actually often ate custard, we (me et mes chums) thought that he might throw up ffor the attention if we tested him. So we didn't.
One merry day, when all was right in the land, my chum was eating a bowl of custard on pie, and dropped his spoon into the bowl. Custardy Bastard, who was sitting opposite him, got a fine, minute even, splash of custard near his food, and went ballistic. He HURLED his plate at my friend, covering him in sauce, and for the next week acted as though me chum had raped his dog with a novelty porcupine dildo.
A very disturbed mind.
(, Fri 2 Mar 2007, 0:13, Reply)

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