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This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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So it's milk right? But it's kinda gone off?
Yes it's that wonderful substance we all call cheese. Or as I have decided it's called, the evil yellow substance of doom.

'cept I'm convinced I'm going to like it eventually. Based on the following stories,

A wee bit of backstory, my dad's French, so from a young age I happily ate stuff like cheese, pate and all the other wonderful delicacies of the world. I was happy in my obliv..i...arity (don't check, it's a real word).

And then there's this period of my life where it all went to pot. I can remember oh so many strange situations:


Yeah oddly enough I was never one for milk at first. It's got a bit of a crap taste you've got to admit, and it's not exactly the most well endorsed product (comes from cows boobs, has beasties in it which we think we've killed all of with deadly science). Back in primary school we had milk that parents could buy for their kids, and one day we had a spare. So the teacher like any good one decides to do a competition to see who gets it. I'm sure there was some brain usage, and being the smart like sprong I was I won. 'cept I'd forgetten I didn't like milk. Cue me attempting to not gag, and the teacher kicking the verbal shit out of me (or so it felt when you're 5).

End result, these days I love some milk on my cereal and I'm getting used to it on it's own.



Onion's a bit of an odd one. On it's own it's like nature's z-list celebrity. It's always popping up everywhere, but it's never actually the reason you're there. Burgers, salads, soup, chilli etc all contain onion for flavouring. So guess who hated onion? Oh sure it was the texture and something else about it (the name maybe, why not call it something dynamic?) but for ages I wouldn't touch onion. We bought onion free burgers, I picked it out of food, and when I went round to a friend's house I sulked because there was onion in the food.

Fast forward to 6 years ago (is that grammatically correct?) and we're sat round the table. "I made sure to get the burgers without onion", pipes up dad. "Oh it's alright, I don't mind it anymore" I reply. The look on his face said it all. Can also now eat red onion in things, before then I was a bit wary of it....because it wasn't actually red. Or some other excuse.



Yes it's the title of my post, and you've been no doubt waiting for it. Well done, award yourself a prize. Maybe some crisps, how about that bottle of Hoegarden you've been waiting to buy?

Except cheese is still only half way down. I'll eat it on pizza, pasta (lasangne or parmasan). But if it's on a burger it's a no-no, if it's on toast it can go to hell, and if it's on it's own I'll run away. Which isn't great when your parents love their pongy cheese and you get a Pont l'Eveque in your face. Tears of sadness they are.

Other than that I won't touch:

Mushroom (devil stuff, and with a name beginning with mush and a look like some sort of diseased internal organ can you blame me?)

Courgette (once they're cooked they look vile and drippy)

Tomato (another veggie failure, it's too floppy and gooey inside and tough outside)

As for what I will eat....meat. But that's another story :)
(, Fri 2 Mar 2007, 0:58, Reply)

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