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This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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My dad
dear old pater, cannot stand the smell of certain seafoods. For instance, he absolutely can't stand the smell of tinned pilchards/sardines but will demolish a plate of grilled sardines. Second for instance: again with the smell thing, he recoils in disgust if I eat prawns in his presence, "cos they smell really bad", yet it is traditional that mater and pater will have fried kippers for tea every friday evening, which leave the house pretty much permanantly reeking of fish.

WTF is going on here?

For years he would not eat red or green peppers, strong cheese such as roquefort or indeed anything spicy. He was the typical British male "not eating any of that fucking foreign muck". Despite being married to my mum who is Spanish and would eat this stuff all the time. It was at least 25 years into their marriage before he succumbed to any of the above. Now he eats all manner of foreign muck (except the fishy stuff)
(, Fri 2 Mar 2007, 10:51, Reply)

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