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This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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Protein Boy
Ah Protein Boy (aka Aryan Youth, being as he was Hitler's Wet Dream), strong as an ox, big as a... big fridge
Protein Boy was so called because of his dairy addiction - milk, eggs, cheese. But mostly just milk and eggs. And I mean a LOT of milk; at least 3 pints a day, swigged in great gulps
He hasn't had a hear attack yet, but he is only 23
(, Fri 2 Mar 2007, 17:11, Reply)

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