Groovypoodle writes, "My mate once told his girlfriend that he didn't think it was working only for her to laugh and tell him he was hilarious. Saying she was 'too weird' and 'slightly violent' and that he didn't like her was equally hilarious. Ripping off her wing mirror, throwing it through the windscreen
and storming off in a huff merely generated an apology from her a week later..."
Just how hard have you had to work to get someone to take the hint and stay dumped?
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 10:33)
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I went to school with her, she was the year above me. We were friends. We flirted (in that kind of shit way that only socially maladjusted teenage boys can). And on occasion we kissed at parties (in the crazy tongue swirling way that only teenage boys can do).
We went to different colleges, but we stayed in touch. I invited her to my 17th Birthday party, we kissed. And then I lost my virginity to her worst enemy from school.
We headed off to Uni, I arranged to go to Bath and meet her once. I got the train all the way to Bath, but had lost her mobile number and didn't know where she lived. So I left her an e-mail telling her to meet me at the station. But she didn't get it until too late, so I had to get the last train home again.
Then, in the summer of first year at uni we almost slept together (I was far, far too drunk, and so was she). She was worried about me, I was going through something of a breakdown at the time. She came to visit me at Uni, we slept together, finally.
We stayed in touch, but nothing else happened until I finished Uni. We started meeting up and going to the pub or cinema, she lived in a disgusting little bedsit and we normally ended up there. But I always felt incredibly guilty that I was basically using her, and I felt even worse that she was completely happy with this fact.
I tried telling her that I didn't want to keep sleeping with her if it wasn't going to lead to anything more, and I didn't want it to lead to anything more.
She agreed. And then practically begged me to come back to hers.
I went around the world for three months. We didn't stay in touch.
I got back home. She contacted me. We went to the pub, we ended up back at hers. I felt bad. It happened again the next week. I told her it was finally over and I just couldn't handle treating her like that. She agreed and said we should be friends (but she said that every time I tried to end it).
I returned some stuff she had leant me. She got angry with me because I had parked outside, left the engine running and run up to the front door to give it to her. She sent me a rude text messaage.
A couple of days later she sent me another message asking if I wanted to go out that weekend. I replied in the negative and said it would be best if we just didn't see each other again. She repeated the assertion that we could be friends.
I had to point out that no, there was no way we could just be friends, I was far too weak (and i'm not proud of this) not to go back to sleeping with her once I'd had a few, so no we couldn't be friends, and when I said we shouldn't "see" each other, I meant that we should not ever be in the same room together.
I think at that point she finally took the hint.
I went to live in Australia for a year.
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:12, 6 replies)

Although, sometimes, women are quite happy with the no-strings sex thang too. Maybe she was happy with things like that. Fuck buddies are enjoyable things. What if you were feeling guilty for no reason?
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:16, closed)

sometimes I sound like a more broadminded version of my therapist and I don't like my therapist.
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:17, closed)

I had a fuck buddy once, and I spoilt it by wanting a relationship
what a twat
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:20, closed)

But she wanted it to be more than I wanted it to be. I have always had a fairly guilty conscience, and the idea that I was doing something so utterly against everything I thought was right was properly doing my head in.
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:26, closed)

I'm with you there. I called it off with an F.B rcently as she was getting too into it and I didn't want to lead her on.
A few weeks later I met the now Miss Keloid, so all was well.
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 11:42, closed)

For the line 'We flirted (in that kind of shit way that only socially maladjusted teenage boys can)'.
( , Thu 5 Jun 2008, 13:45, closed)
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