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This is a question What's the hardest you've tried to get dumped?

Groovypoodle writes, "My mate once told his girlfriend that he didn't think it was working only for her to laugh and tell him he was hilarious. Saying she was 'too weird' and 'slightly violent' and that he didn't like her was equally hilarious. Ripping off her wing mirror, throwing it through the windscreen
and storming off in a huff merely generated an apology from her a week later..."

Just how hard have you had to work to get someone to take the hint and stay dumped?

(, Thu 5 Jun 2008, 10:33)
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Not on topic but hey it's Saturday night and I'm a bit pished.
The best advice ever given to me was -

Don't ever settle for the one you can live with,
Wait for the one you can't live without.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 22:37, 170 replies)
Or "Don't ever settle, as when they do fuck you over, they'll nick half your stuff".
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 22:51, closed)
Still waiting.

(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:04, closed)
*looks at watch*
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:08, closed)
This waiting
For the right person lark is taking far too long for my liking.

(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:22, closed)
Must remember that one
for the next time I'm bored/pissed and accept a date with a guy who's not so pretty/interesting/intelligent and then spend ages trying to weasel out of it
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:24, closed)
So that's why you cancelled on me?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:24, closed)
Was that aimed
At me, sir Kaol?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:25, closed)
nooooo...it was because...OOOoh look a butterfly
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:25, closed)
I suppose its not bad advice.

I got turned down by the girl I'm totally in love with last night. Am quite drunk and very pissed off. Spent today watching South Park and drinking gin.

(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:26, closed)
I thought so...

*makes new plans for next Friday*
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:26, closed)
Wait a sec
I thought it was Thursday?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:27, closed)
Is it?
Or is it the one after that?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:28, closed)
feel it
feel the apathy
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:29, closed)
I dunno
You never asked me out. Must be thinking of someone else
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:29, closed)
*feels them*
That's not what you meant, is it?

EDIT: @beckyjsbx: Nope, never did...
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:29, closed)
@ zapiola
how crap (the turning down bit, not the southpark and gin - they're ok)

*feels the pain*
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:31, closed)
Right now
I'm eyeing up a dating site which has profiles and thumbnails of guys and it's all a bit depressing.

Where's the one I can't live without?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:32, closed)
Yup. Tis crap.

Gin is good.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:33, closed)
He's watching you
From his car.
With a night-vision scope, furiously masturbating.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:33, closed)
no, that's not what i meant, but it is saturday night, so what the hell...
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:34, closed)
I wish pubs never closed around here.

Although I like coming on b3ta at 11-ish, and having the QOTW night-crew to talk to.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:35, closed)
I didn't know
you drove Kaol?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:35, closed)

I do drive, as a matter of fact.
I just don't have a car.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:36, closed)
Evening Miss 'crenne
So have you just stolen a kids toy car or something then, Kaol?

And what's all this about added slicing?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:40, closed)
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:40, closed)
Slightly off
tpic. But I've run out of gin and I have bad rum... but nothing to mix ti twith. Anyone know if milk goes well with rum?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:41, closed)
oh no!
bad rum and milk? please don't!
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:43, closed)
that or drnk it straight.

Or possibly with vegetable oil.

(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:44, closed)
50-50 it with water
Then add a spoon of sugar.

(very cold water, if possible)
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:45, closed)
Tia maria
and orange juice is good if you have any? Tastes like smarties
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:45, closed)
serving suggestion

try this, but read the comment by Nasty first...
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:47, closed)
have an empty gin bottle. Rum. Vodka. Wine that was opened 9 days ago... smells a bit like vinegar. Should be ok though. Some beer. Cane rum. Angostura bitters. More rum.

I supposed I coiuld make punch
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:47, closed)
You've got vodka
That's all you need.
Put it in the freezer.

Wait half an hour.


(Also, alcohol isn't a good way of solving personal issues.
It's the best way!)
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:49, closed)
Yup. I agree.

Gin is a comfort and a freind.

Rum is a fluffy pillow to rest your head on.

Gah. Oh and the girl has just texted me. Prob a good idea to turn my phone off and reply tomorrow when I'm sober/hungover
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:51, closed)
Don't reply.
Get some sleep, and have a think about it.

Easy to jump to bad conclusions.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:52, closed)
don't reply. turn off phone and go to bed. things always seem worse at night. not saying it'll be great tomorrow, but...

(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:53, closed)
Speaking from experience
If she is still talking to you, that is good.

The girl I liked hasn't talked to me since last October.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:53, closed)

Yeah, no reply tonight. Tomorrow is time for that.

Tonight is time to get more drunk. Woo.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:53, closed)
Well Mr. Z,
You best get that vodka in the freezer.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:56, closed)
Tis in the freezer.

Rum is lastin me until it gets cold.

Doobi doobi doo doo dah
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:57, closed)
oh dear

*covers eyes*
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:58, closed)
Good plan switching off phone. Girlhugs as well.

Ancrenne, I found it by mistake and have been greatly enamoured with it since.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:59, closed)
Yup... its going to be a messy night.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2008, 23:59, closed)
Cheers! More gin. Its always good
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:00, closed)
My favorite "cocktail"
Is a Black Russian.

*will be drinking these at the bash*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:00, closed)
alcohol is not the answer

it is the question
and the answer is yes
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:01, closed)
White Russians are good.

As is gin and tonic.

I wish the freezer was colder
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:06, closed)
'ternoon all,
I've never drank alcohol to get over anything, I just lie in bed all night, tear running down my cheek thinking about crap. (By crap I mean crap stuff, not stuff that's just anything and everything) I'm really good at making any situation I'm in 10x worse. :D

*loves Mr Z (Calling him that as I can't remember his name) on the leg*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:06, closed)
I said half an hour!
Have patience Mr Z!
EDIT: Morning Mr. B.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:06, closed)
'ey up Kaol,
how goes chuck?

I just let out an all mighty rumbler.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:08, closed)
Hello! There you are, still humping away.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:08, closed)
@kaol & belgaer
Yeah I did the whole lying in bed thing last night. That was fun.

I'll wait. I jammed it in drunkenly in between two pheasants my housemate shot.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:08, closed)
Good thanks
I slept for a while this morning, finally!

EDIT @ Mr Z: That all sounds rather a jolly good bit of rollocking good sport!

EDIT AGAIN: I once jammed it in drunkenly in between two pheasants. The scratches took weeks to heal.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:08, closed)
You slept?
SLEPT? I'm shocked. and slightly appauled.

The whole lying in bed thing isn't great fun. Not fun at all actually.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:10, closed)
I think the main reason I don't drink away my sorrows
is that I can't afford to buy booze. That, and I'm shit scared of becoming an alcoholic, as I have "the gene".

You... You slept? Who are you and what have you done with our Kaol?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:10, closed)
Yep, I slept.
Thanks to the wonders of Kaol's Brain (tm) trying to eat itself through lack of sleeping.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:12, closed)
Yeah I know the fear... the alcoholic gene runs in my family too.

Mr. Z... I like it.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:13, closed)
I now have a very odd image
of a med-quality animation of a brain folding in on itself with big spikey teeth and eating itself, over and over, getting smaller and smaller until it's gone...

I'm gonna have to evacuate my room soon, these rumblers are stinking me out. And you're meant to like your own!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:14, closed)
Well, it's easier
Than typing out Zapiola every time.

I don't have to worry about dying from alcoholism, in my family the cancer tends to get you first.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:15, closed)
It doesn't stop me from drinking at all,
I just don't drink when I'm alone, I try not to get drunk (rarely go past tipsy for longer than 10 minutes anyway, takes quite a bit to get me past as I drink so fast I've become a heavy weight accidentally) and I don't drink for the sake of drinking/getting pissed.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:16, closed)
Yeah I suppose it is quicker.

Heh. I have the lucky background of familial alcoholism and depression. Other than that nothing seems to kill em.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:16, closed)
Afaik, touch wood,
there's yet to be a cancer sufferer within my family that I know of.

Had an alcoholic or two, few heart attacks (old age induced, mind) and LOTS of arthritus from both sides. Oh, and I almost forgot, crap memory too.

Being tall and slouching already, I expect the bone diseases to get me by late 30s/early 40s.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:18, closed)
If I'm correct
Then all I'm set to get is perhaps a touch of glaucoma, and a really, really crap sense of humour.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:19, closed)
My stepmum has an after 7 rule...
My sister is after 6.

I wait until the moments right, I wouldn't drink after waking up, but if there's a party or a family BBQ or something I'll start drinking when the beer's cold. I mean, come on, it's a family get together, need something to get me through!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:22, closed)
@ ancrenne
Having a slug of vodka in the shower doesn't count, does it?

Even if it is before 12.
I mean, there's so much water around you, that it's very dilute, in the context.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:22, closed)
I've never quite understood the measurement
"slug" how much is it exactly? A sip, a gulp, a few gulps, a glass?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:24, closed)
Cheery turn this has taken.

I suspect this may be slightly my fault.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:24, closed)
As much as you can
Or want, to drink in one breath.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:25, closed)
Mr Z,
it's fine, it's B3ta, it's full of a bunch of bizarre, sick, socially inept and ex depressed/still depressed people. It'd happen with or without you. :)

Not that I'm trying to say, ofcourse, that we don't want you here, you seem plenty nice.

*loves you on the leg (gotta get my daily quota)*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:30, closed)
Ah good!
Right then... Any suggestions on how to cheery-up this conversation, my dear Night Crew?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:31, closed)
I say,
we get Ancrenne to do us a little belly dance whilst we throw vodka at her...

Then we can lick it off afterwards. ;)
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:32, closed)
@Belgaer Thanks... although I am puzzled by the leg love thing... care to explain?

@Kaol... kittens?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:32, closed)
I don't really
Like kittens...
Well, they don't like me.

I do however enjoy watching dancing *grins*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:34, closed)
I have an obsession with humping people on the legs...
virtually ofcourse, I'd never do it in real life *cough* By that I mean I wouldn't admit to it until I'm within humping distance. ;)

*dips his fingers into a glass of vodka and flicks it at Ancrenne*

That reminds me, my nan was at a resturant once and got a finger dip bowl, y'know, hot water and a slice of lemon. She thought it was a G&T and drank it. :P
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:35, closed)
I don't think I've ever had leg love... it sounds intriguing.

Ah... cold vodka. For some reasons I've tipped some cinnamon in too.

EDIT @Belgaer - my gran once went into the male toilets in a Brazilian restaurant and washed her hands in the urinal
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:36, closed)
Mr. B
If you try and hump me at the bash, I'll punch you in the cock.

Just so we're clear.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:36, closed)
I am going to make this more interesting by leaving and going to bed.
How awesome is that going to be?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:36, closed)
Leg love is great,
it's not as good as ear sexing though, but that's reserved for Ancrenne. She has nice ears.

Does cinnamon and vodka work?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:37, closed)
@ Penguin
providing you have a wet dream... Very.

That makes me think, don't you get fucked off that you don't enjoy wet dreams or morning wood as much as everyone else, Kaol?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:38, closed)
a bit gritty. But better than when I tried to make a white russian with milk, coffee grounds, sugar and vodka.

What is ood is orange vodka and redbull.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:38, closed)
Night PoD
I can't see the vodka and cinnamon working...

Morning wood? Er... I guess not. If I sleep, then it's all normal.

I CAN NOT drink any vodka red bull for the forseeable future after Thursday night.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:38, closed)
By the looks of his typing,
I think he's drunk enough to not taste it by now... :P
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:40, closed)
I don't do vodka and red bull,
why mix perfectly good vodka with something that tastes like cat piss?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:42, closed)
Because it
Was bad vodka.
And free red bull.

I'll drink anything it it's free.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:42, closed)
I am pretty drunk.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:43, closed)
I'm a bit of a snob
when it comes to what I drink.

Which is probably why I don't drink, 'cause I'm poor.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:43, closed)
I'll drink most things
Pretty much anything, in fact.

I can happily drink the cheapest supermarket wine.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:47, closed)
Its... interesting. I think on the first mix i got the amount pf cinnamon to put in wrong. Seems to be ok now if a bit sweet.

Pink gins are great.

Problem is now I'm hungry and all i have is a naan bread.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:47, closed)
But... I'll get like...
Really sexually frustrated...

Oh wait, nevermind. *sighs*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:48, closed)
A fish?
A whole fish?

Which fish is it and how big is it?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:49, closed)
Where can I find this robot?
This isn't gonna result in me going on a 12 hour trek to find a robot only to find out that he doesn't know the answer 'cause he got sexed in the ear and it fucked up his memory, is it?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:52, closed)
Very hard to dissolve cinnamon
with things you can find about the house, as most of the stuff you get from the shops is cured bark. Very strong stuff.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:54, closed)
The fishing robot
*rolls eyes*
That's clearly the answer.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:54, closed)
I dunno. Could be good i suppose.

Its also good to push orange segments into a bottle and then pour vodka in. It gives it a nice flabour.

Well thats teh vodka done. Back to rum.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:54, closed)
Then again
I'm thinking of the stuff you get in curries from the Indian... That stuff breaks my teeth every time I try to gnaw on it.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:54, closed)
I made Skittles vodka.
It was amazing.
My friend took step-by-step photos.

I should get them off him.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:56, closed)
Whenever I put skittles in stuff
it just goes a murky brown colour, I never get that really cool multicoloured swirl everyone else gets. :(

I'm so crap at everything. *cries behind his rock*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:57, closed)
You have to
Separate the colours!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:58, closed)
Skittles vodka?
Sounds interesting. If the crner shop was still open I'd bee down there biying skittles and cokda
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:58, closed)
Seperate them how,
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 0:58, closed)
@ Mr. B
With your fingers.
Then only put certain colour ones in. Red, yellow and orange, normally.

@ Mr. Z: "cokda" Is that a contraction of "cock" and "dad"?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:01, closed)
But... I don't get it...
I they'll still mix and go a murky brown...

Re: Cokda... Woo! Incest, you've bought the thread to a whole new (rather low) level!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:03, closed)
Skit. I must be drunkerer than I think I am.

Anyone else seen Meet the Feebels? Just watched a walrus having sexy time with a cat.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:03, closed)
The males possess a large baculum (penis bone), up to 63 cm (25 in) in length, the largest of any mammal both absolutely and relative to body size.

(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:05, closed)
I thought the one biggest relative to size
was a type of duck, where the duck itself is 1foot long, and has a penis of 2 and a half feet.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:07, closed)
The walrus
is playing golf with a bulldog and a warthog now.

(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:07, closed)
Have you taken speed or something?
This sounds alot like a hallucination.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:08, closed)
Read properly...
Not penis.
Also "of any mammal".
Ducks are not mammals.

And... Barnacles have extraordinarily long penises, up to 15cm in length: the largest penis to body size ratio of the animal kingdom.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:09, closed)
wish i had teken speed

(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:11, closed)
A degree in zoology,
just so that you can sit about feeling self conscious about the size of your penis? No ta.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:11, closed)
A degree in zoology
Was a mistake.
I should've done speed for three years and written a book about it.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:13, closed)
I'd rather take crack and whores for 3 years
and then... Not write a book about it.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:15, closed)
Nah, we only compare for about 5 seconds,
then we get onto playing "Biscuit" or just generally sucking eachother's cocks.

/boarding school
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:16, closed)
I think
he's trying to sex you in the ear.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:17, closed)
when you were out BBQing I snuck in and got him to practice on the other one... It was hard explaining how to do it differently, due to human anatomy.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:21, closed)
Cats have
Barbed penises.

So don't let him penetrate you!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:24, closed)
That sounds cool...
That way you can keep going even if you've already cummed, 'cause it'll still stay in... Then after half an hour it'll be back up and ready to go.

/TMI (Too much imagination)
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:26, closed)
You mean he hasn't done that yet?
Was the first thing I taught him... Maybe he knew you'd react like that and he likes me so he decided not to do it for my sake.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:27, closed)
All this talk of leg humping
And ear sexing is getting on my nerves.

*considers unleashing the monster*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:29, closed)
The Monster?
You've given your cock a title too?

What's wrong with leg humping and ear sexing?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:30, closed)
Not that monster
This one...

It'd peck you in the eyes before perferating your eardrums...
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:31, closed)
What animal is that penis from...
and has the end been cut off?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:34, closed)
A snake
Nope, they end like that. No head to them.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:35, closed)
Source please?
'cause that looks really wierd and wrong.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:36, closed)
Cant find the source...
But an example...
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:40, closed)
They look nothing alike,
at all.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:40, closed)
I found the source image...
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:43, closed)
They have two cocks?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:44, closed)
Simple answer:

Long answer:
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:46, closed)
Y - 1, E - 2, S - Many,
N - 1, O - 2...

Unless I was taught to count wrong, then Yes is longer than No.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:47, closed)
*rolls eyes*
Snakes, lizards and some other reptiles have one penis that splits into two shafts at the base.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:50, closed)
That's gotta hurt, does someone go round with a little knife when they're born?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:51, closed)
Where do you think I got my skills?
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:52, closed)
You have skills?
I thought you just closed your eyes and waved it about?

As for the knives... ;)
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:53, closed)
Well, if you stayed about,
we'd have your female body to talk/think about. :)
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:55, closed)
What's one of them?
*looks all cute and innocent*

That's me 8 years old btw.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 1:58, closed)
I look quite different now, ofcourse.
Lost the multi coloured hair, wear smart clothes and stuff, all horrible. :(

(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 2:30, closed)
I must stop going to bed so early and missing all the banter that goes on here at night.

@Belgaer - You look very handsome : )
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 7:57, closed)
I went to bed early too, dammit
Belgaer - your 8 year's old hair rocks!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 8:04, closed)
But then again were up early to enjoy the bright new sunny day while the rest of them are nursing their hangovers or sleeping till lunchtime.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 8:08, closed)
ha! yes!
Except I'm about to do a lengthy run, so 'enjoy' might not be wholly correct.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 8:37, closed)
CHCB and BGB, maybe it's good we ducked out early. It all seems like fun until the nightmares start...

Am also about to run*
Have fun!

*not my usual pattern of behaviour on a Sunday morning
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 8:54, closed)

Re me and alcohol:
Personally, I only drink sociably and will never drink alone. However, seeing that I am a sociable person *, it means I get drunk often.

* Although these days, I'm not as sociable as I was in my heyday and my alcohol tolerance is taking a nosedive. Just 3 pints of Czech beer is enough to make me feel spaced out.

Re penis sizes:
Amongst primates, humans have the biggest penis-size to body-size ratio.

Anyway, I'm off for a bike ride. Catch ya's in the afternoon (or evening if it's a long-un).

PS. On the Internet, nobody knows if you're drunk or just faking it ;-)

[EDIT:]PPS. @BGB's original post: Good advice.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 11:48, closed)
orange vodka - leave it to sit for about a week or so. You'll need to shake it up before drinking.

On another note, god my head hurts today....
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 12:36, closed)
sub 55 min time on my 10K race but I was hoping for 48 mins. Course turned out to be cross-country, uphill and no shade in really hot weather. I still have the shakes. 10K is not my distance. Back to half-marathons for me!
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 13:21, closed)
You bloody morning people are pathetic,
you've had all morning and given no more than 10 replies... Pah!

Re running: I get worn out just walking across the road to the shops. Well, maybe not worn out, but I sure as hell don't enjoy it. I only enjoy walking if there's nice surroundings.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 14:20, closed)
'Ello my wonderful minions!
I hope you're all enjoying the lovely weather!
Catch you later *grins*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 14:43, closed)
Too bloody hot
moan, grumble, whine.

Mr Z, glad to see you made it through and are still with us.

*hands over asprin*
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 15:42, closed)
and just been to the pub with a friend.

Aspirin is good
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 16:16, closed)
Good afternoon
Have been on a >40km bike-ride. When working out a route, I check the weather forecast to see which way the wind will be blowing. I cycle towards the wind making up my route as I go along and when I think I’ve gone far enough, I cycle home with the wind in my back – still making up my route. Timed it well coz I only started to feel my legs were getting tired the moment I got back home. Did lose a bit of Karma when someone fell off a motor scooter and I didn’t offer any assistance but to be fair, someone else in front of me offered help and there’s only so much help that can be offered.

Aren’t half marathons longer than 10Ks? If you got the shakes on a 10K, I’m not sure what would happen on a half-marathon. Still, considering the circumstances, your time looks impressive.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 17:31, closed)
Oh dear - I only managed 5K on Hampstead Heath and then immediately repaired to the pub to drink with Liam Gallagher.

Well, OK, not exactly with him. But he was there, with the wife and nippers, and behaving himself. I saw Noel the other day, shopping in the Wholefoods organic food store. How times have changed.
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 18:29, closed)
bloody hell people
have you no homes to go to?

oh wait....
(, Sun 8 Jun 2008, 21:38, closed)

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