Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
Should have put this in the great graffiti QOTW
But I once read, scrawled on the side of a bus in Dublin, the legend:
'Heteros Go Homo'
I wonder how many did?
El Fandango carved a big EF onto his nemesis' doublet on .., Sun 14 Nov 2010, 23:44,
2 replies)
Sounds like
a Latin motto of a public school.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Mon 15 Nov 2010, 10:08,
People called Hetero they go the homo?
Vice Admiral Sir Charles Cockbrush KCB MBE DSO, who is finding it increasingly difficult to log into wants to duck your aunt and kick your puppy, Mon 15 Nov 2010, 11:21,