Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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Say what you like, but I'm all for exams and other forms of competency based assessment.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:45, 10 replies)

I'm also in favour or school uniform and its enforcement.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 20:38, closed)

They're a test of memory and the ability to regurgitate text books word for word...
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 0:50, closed)

I'm a lazy bastard. I hate coursework. I'd much rather bunk off for two years, swot up in two weeks, and pass the exam with flying colours. Having experienced both "continual assessment" and final examinations, and seen the merits and drawbacks of both, it's obvious that final exams are the way to go.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 18:21, closed)

Theres much, much more to being competent at something than being assessed under exam conditions. Unless your chosen topic is "performing well under exam conditions".
Driving test being a perfect case in point. I am an excellent driver, have been told so by every driving instructor I've had, yet I have failed my test 3 times. All three instructors thought I was an absolute shoe-in, and yet I am still without a license, because I find it incredibly distracting having someone sat next to me with a clipboard assessing every single thing I do. I passed my practice test, as I wasn't under the pressure of test conditions. And, over three tests, I still haven't had enough minor faults - even cumulatively- to fail. Just three major faults.
Were I to pass my driving test there is literally no other time when this situation would arise, therefore it has absolutely no bearing on my competency as driver.
You should be required to put in a certain number of hours and be assessed over a much wider period of time. Much fairer, less stressful and would provide a much more accurate demonstration of your overall ability as a driver...
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 3:43, closed)

which is the theme of this QOTW.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 9:33, closed)

would have been so much more fun to let this go on
clicky btw
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 16:17, closed)
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