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This is a question Pubs

Jeccy writes, "I've seen people having four-somes, fights involving spastics and genuine retarded people doing karaoke, all thanks to the invention of the common pub."

What's happened in your local then?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 20:55)
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The Burke and Hare, Edinburgh, circa 1990
This pub was situated in what became known as "The Devil's Triangle", as it consisted of 3 pubs providing entertainment of a semi-naked, female, dancing variety.

I have no idea why I was in there of course, other than it was just round the corner from my flat. Cough.

Between shows on the stage, a 'lady' from the audience, assisted by her male companion, attempted to gain access to the stage to perform her own interpretation of the art.

Even after a significant quantity of ale on my part, she was not a pretty sight. Knocking on 50, overweight, pot-ugly, bleach-blonde hair and fag in hand, she was hardly a prize catch.

The bar manager blocked her path to the stage, probably on public decency grounds. After all, this was a high class establishment.

As news of the incident spread, the assembled crowd began to sing in unison "Show's your ****, show's your ****, show's your ****". I'll allow you to fill in the blanks at your leisure.

The manager kicked the couple out to howls of derision from the crowd. A fight kicked off, and half the pub emptied to follow the couple. Christ knows why.

The next morning, slightly hungover, I stumbled to the paper shop for the obligatory bottle of Irn Bru and a paper. Who comes towards me but the lady from the previous night. If anything she looked even uglier. Same dress (well, more of an ill-fitting sack TBH), hair and make-up all over the place, and sporting 2 enormous black eyes and a burst lip.

I never went back to the Burke and Hare. It's almost enough to make you switch teams.
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 13:54, 2 replies)
I used to live near there, we referred to this area as the "hairy" triangle
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 16:27, closed)
I alway though it was the pubic triangle !
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 14:03, closed)

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