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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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And I'd also like to punch....
... Chris Martin out of Coldplay. In fact I'd like to bite his ear off.

He always makes wanky political statements on issues he doesn't fully understand in an attempt to make him look cool. Think he is trying to make himself an alternative-style bad-boy of rock to make up for his lack of personality (sarcatic voice as well- like that guy off the Mary Whitehouse experience). Now Keith Moon is a real rock icon- not this converted choir boy.

What a twat. If he is that concerned by third-world debt,why does he not donate a substantial chunk of the tens of millions of pounds he and his sour-faced bint are worth to charity? There are only so many jeans/ jacket combo's one man can own Martin- put your hand in your pocket and keep your mouth shut dickhead.

And his music is shit....
(, Tue 13 Jul 2004, 11:38, Reply)

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