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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Chavs, pikies, townies, scrotes......
I'll probably be right in thinking that this has been suggested already.... but there must be some great chav-related stories of specialty out there? Like the stupid burberries that stole beer and lambrini from my place of work, and legged it to their house..... next door but two to the shop.

Needless to say, I knocked on the door of the ensuing chav party with an officer of the law in tow.

Community service. Hah!

Another gem would be - weird people you have worked with. Though it could turn out similar to flatmates from hell...
(, Sat 25 Sep 2004, 17:06, Reply)

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