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This is a question Scary Neighbours

My immediate neighbours are lovely. But the next house down from that? Crimminy biscuits - he's a 70 year old taxi driver who loves to tell me at length about the people he's put in hospital and how Soho is "run by Maltese ponces." How scary are your neighbours?

(, Thu 25 Aug 2005, 13:20)
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Mental lot across the road
Me and some mates would play on our bikes / skate boards (i was quite shit but I trundeled along down hill) merrily for 2 years befor one day they started to scowl throught the windows (which we ignored) to yelling (which we largely ignored) to finaly chucking a kettle of boiling water at us that (thankfuly) missed which brought my parents out and a shouting match ensured (which my dad won! being witty and all). They did't bother me or my mates after but they did repeatedly setfire to there front lawn(scorching the doble glazing), nutters.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:25, Reply)

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