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This is a question Scary Neighbours

My immediate neighbours are lovely. But the next house down from that? Crimminy biscuits - he's a 70 year old taxi driver who loves to tell me at length about the people he's put in hospital and how Soho is "run by Maltese ponces." How scary are your neighbours?

(, Thu 25 Aug 2005, 13:20)
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Our next door neighbours were the strangest roughest people we ever had the misfortune to live by. Husband, we'll call him Hop-It on account of his dodgy legs/back. Wife i'll call Duff cos she was a whale of a woman, Daughter Potter, cos she was the spitting image of Harry Potter, son AlanNo, cos that all we ever heard shouted at the kid.
Hop-It was on many benifits due to bein a crip,although we witnessed him climb over our 6 foot garden fence after telling his stalker daughter to piss off.And he could do a mean over arm launch of mice that his cat left on his door step.But you could always tell a benefit review was afoot cos hed take to his wheel chair n wifey wud push him to walk the dog.His Wifey, Duff, Was about 20 odd stone and pale, whilst coming in late one evening we saw her getting into the car with her husband at 11pm wearing a basque stockings etc, yes, a Grim-o-Gram, she also liked sunbathing in a thong n skimpy top.*vomits* Potter was ok although her resemblance to Harry Potter was striking. One day a few mates n me wer on our way to my house, when we see the family lock the front door,get in the car n drive off. then we see AlanNo in the front room crying holding up a piece of paper with sum cack handed scribblings on em, so we laugh and write the childline number on sum A4 and show him n off he totters.
Apologies for length, its just not necessary, Its All About Girth.dirty slut
(, Tue 30 Aug 2005, 13:07, Reply)

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