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This is a question School Trips

Get left behind? Go somewhere utterly amazing? Get bollocked by a lardy coach driver? Find out the school nurse was secretly bonking the Geography teacher? All these and more on just one five day trip to the Dorset coast. Whahey!

Tell us how your school trip spiralled out of control.

(, Thu 7 Dec 2006, 10:37)
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Geography trips were always shit
every georgraphy trip ive been on has turned out to be a massive dissapointment. the first was to magical and every peopophiles wet dream:- DISNEY LAND! sounds amazing i thorght, leave friday back monday woo! actually no. we left friday night at 8pm. drove to dover, caught the 1am ferry to some place in france, then drove non stop all the way to disney land, arriving at 7am. we waited unitl the gates opened and stayed there till 5pm. wow amazing. not only have we up all night and shattered from the coach/ ferry crossing but veryhungry as well. and what do we get? 10 hours there, most of which was queing. i should add that me being a young and rather exciable child i ran off as soon as we got there and so missed the vital information that we MUST LEAVE by 5pm or we would miss the ferry home. oops i wasnt popular.
the 2nd time was to london and to see the great and british monument: the nationla musemum of Britain. what should of only been a 4 hour drive turned into a 8 hour drive as some twat got the bright idea of going passed the dome (this was pre 2000). believe me, it was not worth 100000000billion pounds spent on it and i didnt even see inside of it. we then spent (what felt like) 30 mins in the musem. que yet another 7 hour drive home
lenght? gurth? fuck it, i got off with the hottest girl in my year in the dinasaur section. it was worth it.
(, Thu 7 Dec 2006, 20:40, Reply)

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