Self-Inflicted injuries
Spanishfly asks: Ever injured yourself in a moment of frustration? When have you ever done something stupid or sensible that has ended up with you injured? Punched an Asda sign because they didn't have tiger bread? Yeah, us too
This isn't a question about intentional self-harm
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 28 Nov 2013, 13:06)
If you respond to the thousand word fuckdullery of witless attention seekers even to tell them that it's dull then they'll keep posting and it'll be your fault.
/top tips for avoiding self-inflicted misery
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Fri 29 Nov 2013, 12:38,
7 replies)
And if you start a new thread about it they will probably have a greasy wank of excitement.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Fri 29 Nov 2013, 12:40,
Starting to wonder what those 5 injections a day actually contain.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Fri 29 Nov 2013, 12:42,
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Fri 29 Nov 2013, 12:58,
Best response is to write a thousand word precis of their post in a new thread.
Adding wit, interest, humour or anything that people enjoy reading would be a big help.
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Fri 29 Nov 2013, 12:46,
A mere thousand words?!
Dr Skagra glorious glargzhem, Fri 29 Nov 2013, 22:55,