Freddie Woo tells us: Despite being a well rounded modern man I think women are best off getting married and having a few kids else they'll be absolutely miserable come middle age.
What views do you have that are probably sexist that you believe are true?
( , Sun 27 Dec 2009, 12:23)
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I honestly think that the females of the world should stop striving to be as "equal" as men. Now, before I get stoned to death, let me explain that one.
Men and women are not equal. Never have been, never will be. We're wired differently mentally and physically, we're both of the same species but completely different. In caveman times, men performed the hunting role in society, and women tended to the family/tribe/general society. I'm generalising here, but everyone knew their place in the tribe/general society, and didn't strive to do something else. We were all content with our place, whether it was looking after the kids with the other mothers, or being used as some creatures chewtoy with our mates before killing it and taking it home to eat.
Nowadays though, because rabid feminism has forced this idea that women are just as equal to men in everything, they deserve to be treated better than men. And because advances in technology mean that women can "compete" with men on a mostly equal basis in most things, with a few exceptions (Most manual labour jobs, due to physicality, and the military forces, again with the physical fitness which men have the edge in, and another point is that being female in war runs the risk of any captured female soldier being raped as part of torture), we've achieved "equality" but with the result that nobody is happy nowadays. With me still? Good.
We're still not equal though. In caveman terms, we're trying to perform each others jobs, and we're not succeeding at it. I hold the view that until we recognise that we're not equal, and start to act accordingly, such as taking jobs we're good at, and getting paid equally for them (That's the one thing I do think that should be kept for in women striving for "equality"), we'll all be a lot happier. If you're capable of doing both manly and womanly things, then great. However, if you keep struggling to do things that you're not successfully doing, simply because an idea says that because everything is now equal, then maybe you should take a step back and go and do something you are successful at. That's not to say that if you're a woman, you should go and be a housewife and raise kids because thats what you're good at, that's to say that if you're struggling as a mechanic because of a lack of mechanical aptitude, you should try a different job, one that you're good at. Same for being a man, if you're a crap nurse, give up and do something that you're good at. Wahey for patronizing generalisations.
Feel free to stone away for this sexist idea that we're not equal. /erects flameshield
Edit: This probably came across as patronizing and confusing. Sorry if it did so, I didn't mean to be either!
Double edit: Tried to clarify what I mean. I'm being very generalising here, because I'm making a general observation. I'm not deliberately picking on specific people here. I'm trying to be as unpatronizing as possible.
( , Sun 27 Dec 2009, 23:57, 15 replies)

I've never strived to be "equal" to men. When it comes to work and pay, hell yes, of course I am.
Fuck, I can and have changed my own tires and my own oil in my car, I can change a plug and I own power tools because I live alone.
However, if you want to treat me like a lady, open doors for me, pay for my hair styling and nails.....ooooh get in THERE!
In my opinion, I'm me. I can do what needs to be done, and if I can't I'll get a friend to help whether they're male or female.
I got a fishing rod rack for Christmas that needs putting together. Will you do it for me?
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 0:02, closed)

Specifically the ones that say that women are more equal than men and can hold down a massively high-paying job, run a household with Teutonic efficiency and at the same time raise kids successfully and be happy at the same time.
I'm just trying to raise the point that I think that women and men should stick to what they're successful at, not what they think they should be successful at because of an ideal that states they should be able to do both the "jobs" of a man and a woman at the same time.
If you happen to be successful at doing both sexes "jobs" and are happy at the same time, then good on you, keep it up. It's the ones that aren't successful at doing both "jobs" and are unhappy and then proceed to dig themselves in further because of this idea that they should be able to that concerns me.
Sorry if both that and my original post came across as patronizing and confusing, I really didn't mean for it to be so.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 0:13, closed)

Actually, neither of them came across as patronizing. I just like the fact I have, and can use, power tools.
Still need help with my rod rack, though!
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 0:18, closed)

And I like the fact that I'm capable of sewing stuff back together. Such as shirts, trousers, and jackets.
If I could help with the rod rack, I would. Shame there's a fair bit of distance between us. Cunting oceans.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 0:28, closed)

There are certain sexual differences, for sure. Multi-pattern and also higher pitch stressed hearing make women better at hearing multiple higher pitched things than men. Men have better mapping capabilities, and can throw and whistle properly.
Whether we like it or not we have evolved slightly different capabilities.
Men and women who don't fit the generalised 'traditional' patterns often have opposite sex brain activity maps.
Sadly in this enlightened age it just means all the adverts for cash sapping chat lines are for blokes, and all the spyware for wanky animated cursors is aimed at women. Bummer.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 1:08, closed)

I'm the hunter round here.
I dont do babies and girly things.
Can light a fire by rubbing sticks together, trap and skin little furry beasties.
And Ive got a nice big lump of wood to crack over the head of blokes who think the BBQ is their domain.
I actually scare myself ;)
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 1:11, closed)

But that's fine. You're successful at that, and that's great. What I'm trying to get at is that if you were trying to do all that and kept failing repeatedly, simply because an ideal that said "you should be able to do such things" kept telling you to do so, and you kept trying and failing.
I'm trying to avoid being patronizing here, and it's bloody hard when it's only written text.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 1:17, closed)

Ive imbibed much vodka and you've lost me
I'd fail at being a feminist or a lesbian if that helps ;)
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 1:22, closed)

that there are many people currently in jobs that go against their gender, who are failing in their roles.
in my experience, you only get a job if you can do the tasks it requires, so surely that allays the problem you suggest.
i think people should do whatever makes them feel happy, as opposed to sticking to someones elses definition of their particular genders constraints. we are supposedly more enlightened than we may have been as cavemen.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 3:32, closed)

feminism was less about total eqality, more specific inequality if that makes sense - the right to vote, women getting less pay than men in the same jobs etc. modern day radical feminism is of course a different matter.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 3:36, closed)

Modern day radical feminism. Not the original feminism movement.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 11:05, closed)

that we'd all be a lot happier if we did do the things we're capable of, instead of the things we think we should do now that we're all "equal". Same as what you think.
( , Mon 28 Dec 2009, 11:04, closed)

Wanted One Cave Women:
-Will be pregnant 70% of the time
-100% of time will engage in back breaking boring labor, gathering fruits, nuts and berries fishing and traping small animals to feed tribe
-Clothe tribe and tend to fires
-Skin and prepare what ever smelly thing the hunters drag home
-Attempt to avoid beatings and/or pack rape and/or lions
Wanted One Cave Man
-80% of time will be spent sitting around fire telling fart jokes, eating funny mushrooms, fiddling with your bow and arrows, fighting other cave men for power and making cave babies
-Occasionally you will go and find a herd of large shaggy cows and pick off a few of the weaker ones, contributing the grand total of 12% of the tribes total food intake for the week
-If a lion shows up you can try to outrun it, and if that dosen't work feed it some children or elderly people to slow it down
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 13:08, closed)

could restate that the other way around but I'm not going to bother. In conclusion there are two sides to every story. What an insight.
( , Wed 30 Dec 2009, 17:11, closed)
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