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This is a question Shit Stories: Part Number Two

As a regular service to our readers, we've been re-opening old questions.

Once again, we want to hear your stories of shit, poo and number twos. Go on - be filthier than last time.

(, Thu 27 Mar 2008, 14:57)
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Food poisoning
I got food poisoning, I did what I normaly do when I do get any stomache type bug and stopped eating for 24 hours. Only drunk water. and lots of it.

I ended up with "water poos". My poo was basicly dirty water. 2 bad things about this:

1) Shitting water is more painful than a curry poo. FACT!

2) When you have "water poo" Never, ever, everevereverever fart unless you are sitting on a toilet. There's nothing to hold "it" back. You fart, you follow through, your need to buy a new pair of trousers.

Only time I have shit myself and I don;t plan to repeat it.
(, Fri 28 Mar 2008, 10:23, 2 replies)
I had the very same
After some dodgy BBQ meat from Tesco's 2 years ago. I too made the mistake of attempting a small fart with disastrous results!

I also only got approx 2 hours sleep at a time through waking up and needing to take a piss.... out of my ass!!

(but my GP prescribed me some kickass painkillers to try and constipate me a little...woo-hoo!)
(, Fri 28 Mar 2008, 10:37, closed)
Bin there mate
Seriously uncool.
(, Fri 28 Mar 2008, 13:01, closed)

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