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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Pub joke...
A barman is in his pub serving customers, when a tramp comes in, "Quick! I need a cocktail stick!"
The barman is a little bemused by this, but nevertheless hands over a cocktail stick. The tramp thanks him and hurries out.
A moment later, a different tramp comes in and once again urgently asks for a cocktail stick. The barman hands one over and the hobo hurries out.
A minute later, yet another tramp hurries in and says, "Quick, I need a straw"
The barman is getting tired of this and says, "Look, I've just had two of your mates in here asking for cocktail sticks and now you're in here trying to blag a straw... What's going on?"
The tramp replies - "Just give me a straw quick! Someone's been sick outside and all the chunks have already gone..."
(, Fri 10 Sep 2004, 19:17, Reply)

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