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So this Air-South-Africa plane is flying across the mountains, and the pilot announces that there's too much weight, and they're gonna have to start throwing people off to avoid crashing into a mountainside. So the stewardess gets up and says "We're going to be totally fair, and do this in alphabetical order. So, all Africans, Blacks and Colored people please jump off now!"
Why did god invent the orgasm?
So the blacks would know when to stop fucking!
A man finds an old oil lamp in the attic, and rubs it to see if a genie will pop out. Sure enough, a genie pops out and says "I grant you three wishes, but you must wish them silently in your mind, do not speak them aloud!"
He goes downstairs later to get a beer from the fridge, and there on the middle shelf is a million dollars. "Wow, a cool million!" he thinks to himself, maybe this genie was onto something.
He then wonders if the other 2 wishes have come true? He runs upstairs, and sure enough, there's [insert supermodel name here] lying naked on the bed, with pouty lips.
Just then, there's a ring at the doorbell, so he goes downstairs to answer it. Outside is a Klu-Klux Klan man, all dressed in white with a pointy hood, and a noose in his hand, and he says "You wanne be hung like a nigger?"
( , Fri 16 Dec 2005, 14:07, Reply)
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