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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Japanese Exchange Rates
Ken, a Japanase businessman takes a trip to New York for 2 weeks. He takes 200 yen with him. Unable to change it before he goes, he visits a buereau de change in the US.

"I wan change 100 yen to dolla please clerk san" asks Ken to the clerk.

"There you go, thats $80 back"

Ken bows and walks out, he survives a week in New York on the $80 he had, but still had 100 yen for the last week.

He returns to the buereau de change and asks to change the last 100 yen.

"There you go, thats $70 for you sir" says the clerk.

"What? Las' week I get 80 dolla for 100 yen, this week I get 70 dolla, why the hell that?!" fumes Ken.

"Fluctuations" replies the Clerk.

"Ya, well fluk you Americans too!"

(, Wed 15 Mar 2006, 23:52, Reply)

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