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Home » Question of the Week » Singing the wrong words » Post 22546 | Search
This is a question Singing the wrong words

There's a grand tradition of singing the wrong words to jingles, hymns and the dreaded school songs. Or maybe you have a corporate anthem too cheesy for words? Tell us the alternate words you and your friends sang so that we can too.

(, Thu 27 Jan 2005, 10:02)
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A Finger Of Fudge
Huzzah for old adverts!

A kick up the arse
is just enough
to give your kids a treat.
A kick up the arse
is just enough
when they begin the bleat.
It's full of kinetic energy
that rapidly turns to heat.
A kick up the arse
is just enough
to give your kids a treat.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2005, 17:22, Reply)

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