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This is a question Spoilt Brats

Mr Newton sighs, "ever known anyone so spoilt you would love to strangle? I lived with a Paris Hilton-a-like who complained about everything, stomped her feet and whinged till she got her way. There was a happy ending though: she had to drop out of uni due to becoming pregnant after a one night stand..."

Who's the spoiltest person you've met? Has karma come to bite them yet? Or did you in fact end up strangling them? Uncle B3ta (and the serious crimes squad) wants to know.

(, Thu 9 Oct 2008, 14:11)
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On a flight back from Glasgow
two wannabe teenage parents - you know the type, fake tans, dyed hair, camouflage clothing - sat with their child, who was equipped with a personal DVD player.

Their kid watches a film without headphones on. I.e. the sound is coming out of the speakers. I'm three rows back and in the aisle across, and I can hear it quite nicely, thank you.

I start to seethe.

Kid then gets bored with the film. But doesn't switch it off. This *really* narks me.

I get up, go over, ask father nicely if the child can either use his headphones or switch it off.

Father then threatens me with violence. EasyJet staff do fuck all.

I sit down. Film remains on.

Spoilt child thanks to spoilt parents. After all, why shouldn't half the plane hear his film ?

(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 2:01, 6 replies)
it's like that on coaches, too.
i don't like flying, i prefer to be able to see where i'm going, so i go by coach. every year, before we've even hit dover, some twunt of a parent has complained that the toilet is blocked up. when the stewardesses and other passengers try to tell them it's blocked because THEIR FUCKING KID FILLED THE TOILET WITH EVERY SCRAP OF SHIT ROLL IN THERE, they refuse to believe it and simply say "oh, no, my little angel would never do a thing like that!"
i hope these children have either serious drug addictions or pregnant girlfriends by the age of 16.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 2:06, closed)
You wouldn't wish their genetics on anyone else!

Unless the girl scum get knoecked up by the boy scum.

That'd work out.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 3:01, closed)
the scum seem to breed exclusively with their own kind. it is my belief that female chavscum exude the "tracksuit pheromone", thus making them irresistible to their spotty, pseudo-gangsta male counterparts.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2008, 2:59, closed)
Those parents're making
what's known as 'a rod for their own backs.'

Whatever inconvenience you briefly suffered will be visited on them a hundred-fold.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 9:19, closed)
Flying back to Glasgow
(only because we couldn't get flights to Edinburgh!) there were two brats on the flight who did this. They also ran around the plane for a bit - I stopped that with an evil glare and a mean-sounding,

"Go and sit down at once!"

Our kids had been perfectly well behaved (because they know that's what we expect, nay demand) and when we were getting off, the family with the midget thugs were right behind us. I think it made the trolley dolly's day to say loudly, and pointedly, to us,

"Your children were soooooo well behaved. An absolute pleasure to have you on board."

I looked behind and the mother at least had the grace to look ashamed.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 10:50, closed)
Reminds me of a Bill Hicks bit... "seeing as we've got a bit a breeze going, can we smoke now?", etc.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2008, 16:55, closed)

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