Mr Newton sighs, "ever known anyone so spoilt you would love to strangle? I lived with a Paris Hilton-a-like who complained about everything, stomped her feet and whinged till she got her way. There was a happy ending though: she had to drop out of uni due to becoming pregnant after a one night stand..."
Who's the spoiltest person you've met? Has karma come to bite them yet? Or did you in fact end up strangling them? Uncle B3ta (and the serious crimes squad) wants to know.
( , Thu 9 Oct 2008, 14:11)
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a) the economic crisis is partly happening because people AREN'T spending; there isn't enough cash circulating because idiots are panicking and withdrawing their savings from banks. If you want to help the economy, go out and spend, like the Range Rover lady.
b) Capitalist societies are based on growth, which means greed, or the desire for more. If you don't like it, go join a Socialist commune, if you can find one.
c) The historical argument is ridiculous, as more and more people every single day enjoy clean available water, warmth, food, healthcare and accomodation. That's not being spoilt, that's an achievement of mankind, and whining that others don't have it doesn't help at all, you arrogant self-righteous prick.
If you want to be on the high horse, you'd better learn how to ride it.
( , Sun 12 Oct 2008, 17:24, 2 replies)

There's a world of difference between "must have food/shelter/clean water" and "must have latest ipod/trainers/girls aloud wank-a-day calendar"
( , Sun 12 Oct 2008, 17:40, closed)

a wank-a-day calander?
I'll have to remember that one for a potential gift for a boyfriend type thing.
( , Mon 13 Oct 2008, 23:53, closed)
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