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This is a question Spoilt Brats

Mr Newton sighs, "ever known anyone so spoilt you would love to strangle? I lived with a Paris Hilton-a-like who complained about everything, stomped her feet and whinged till she got her way. There was a happy ending though: she had to drop out of uni due to becoming pregnant after a one night stand..."

Who's the spoiltest person you've met? Has karma come to bite them yet? Or did you in fact end up strangling them? Uncle B3ta (and the serious crimes squad) wants to know.

(, Thu 9 Oct 2008, 14:11)
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What does this
Have to do with anything?

Your insults achieve what? Because you had a state education (would that include the top art college you claim to have studied at?) you are more interesting and articulate than people fortunate enough to go to private schools?

As to your assumption about his opinion of himself, you are simply wrong. Whereas it might be true, at no point can you work that out from his post.

Same for you Shinigami. Where does he say or even begin to imply anything about parents who send their kids to state school not being hard workers?

As he says, this QOTW is bringing out an awful lot of bitterness.

Bring something positive to the table for once spimf - try to break the habit of a lifetime here.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 7:08, 1 reply)
actually maybe you prove chads point here...
clearly you cannot read and comprehend adequately

chad suggests that state schools are not able to teach pupils to read adequately - that is a huge insult to the majority of people on this board who attended a state school and choose to send their own kids there

i do not 'claim to have studied at a top art school'...

i did however leave one of the most respected art colleges in the UK with a first class honours degree. (It is however regarded by most as one of the best art colleges in the UK)

while there i was maintained by a grant initially then a student loan (and several bar jobs) - not mummy and daddy

NB his does not in way way mean you are not still a cunt though
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 10:10, closed)
you might want to read the post...
because I stated that my parents sent me to public school because they wanted me to be able to read by 18. I know many people who went to comprehensive schools who are literate. I know a fair few who aren't as well.

Given that the state system is geared to the lowest common denominator and all support systems are for those with sub-normal rather than super-normal abilities, or are for containing criminal behaviour, I personally wouldn't send any child with an IQ over 120 to a state school, because they will be bored witless and will, in all likelihood, start to act out because of it.

The fact is that there is *no* provision for exceptional students at all, as there is no easy living to be had from it, or social workers to employ - your thieving/schizo/violent illiterate with an IQ of 80 provides a nice excuse for lowering the goals set to something easier and will keep four or five social workers in jobs for a decade or so.

I'm not making this up - this is precisely what a respected headmistress of some 30 years experience told my parents when I was a pupil at the school, before she advised them to move me to a public school.

I never said parents who didn't send their kids to public school didn't work, either - I said that there were scumbag parents who laughed at their kids bunking off as they were milking the state for benefits and felt it ok for their kids to do so, as well. These parents lived in council houses and their kids were supposed to attend state schools, but it doesn't then mean all council tenants are scumbags and all those at state school will end up on benefits. You might want to look at your logic skills - maybe drawing a Venn diagram might help you sort out the issues there...?
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 11:21, closed)

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