In which we ask a bunch of pasty-faced shut-ins about their exploits on the sports field. How bad was it for you?
Thanks to scarpe for the suggestion.
( , Thu 19 Apr 2012, 13:40)
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Way back in the late 80’s I attended a karate grading where one young lad was taking his red belt (the one before black in my style). Now he’s the only one being graded for that belt, so he’s on his own, standing before Master Loke and two other instructors. Parents and the rest of the class are sitting around the edge of his sports hall.
He has to demonstrate a jumping kick. Three forwards, turn three back and then turn again. He chose a jumping roundhouse kick, possibly one of the hardest as you have to twist your body in the air and get it back again lest you land on your side.
Only he didn’t. Down he went, screaming in agony, with what looked suspiciously like a dislocated hip.
The respect and discipline in the class meant that even his parents just sat there, frozen in fear but unwilling to interfere in the grading. Master Loke calmly got up, held onto the boys foot, pushed his knee to his chest then THWACK as he pulled the leg and relocated it. He then sat back down and motioned for the boy to continue. All without a word spoken in the whole room.
Albeit one feeble attempt at a kick later, he was told to sit down. He’d passed.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 8:08, 26 replies)

( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 8:17, closed)

One of our brown belts accidentally stood up from the bow to a very senior visiting Sensei along with the black belts. When it was pointed out to him that the rest of the junior belts were still kneeling he said the one thing he could to make it worse...."Sorry, mate!"
The rest of us were like the centurions in Life of Brian desperately trying to maintain some composure as Sensei got redder and redder.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 8:21, closed)

Either you're not a parent or this is twaddle.
"even his parents just sat there, frozen in fear but unwilling to interfere in the grading."
You find me a good, caring parent who would watch their child dislocate their hip and have such "respect and discipline in the class" that they would sit there and do nothing. Particularly when someone who wasn't a health professional then tried his own "home remedy".
Mr. Miyage you ain't.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 8:48, closed)

& quietly to the back of the class*
Also "Ring Of Fire" is ROF, me: I'm ringo for short. Age before beauty and all that.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 9:30, closed)

Him or me?
Careful tho - I hear Ring is a 58th dan Ekky-Thumpian.
He'll fuck you up with his long, drawn-out telling offs!
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 9:36, closed)

no, wait, that's me!
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 9:41, closed)

he's only got tiny tyrannosaurus rex arms
*doesn't know who Ring is*
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 10:34, closed)

Just look at other responses to see that dicipline is EVERYTHING in a class. I doubt that anyone here that properly practices martial arts would disagree.
I should think the armed forces have a similar setup.
If you've not met or dealt with someone that commands respect, you'll not understand what this all means.
The point of this post is that the respect (or possibly fear, I don't know what they were thinking) extended to the audience. Not everyone would react as you do, even if you think that we all should.
The fact that the boy TRIED to continue shows he had the respect too. I suppose you'd have cried off with a 'sod that' attitude.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 11:37, closed)

You really are living in Karate Kid land aren't you?
Now you're talking military discipline?
Knowing some of the qotwers here I'd be careful with that 1 - some of them may not take too kindly to your version of Mr. Miyagi Land compared with what they may have been thru.
Tread lightly GrassHopper.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 13:17, closed)

Comparing the military discipline to that of martial arts discipline. It's all down to the individual.
True there are a lot of crap styles/classes that are no more than glorified aerobics workouts. I'm only referring to my instructor, and the way people acted around him. I certainly don't command 1/100th of the respect when I teach that he did and know of few people that did.
When you get carted off to do a demonstration at a carnival or fete and are told you're going to be demonstrating a break on bricks/tiles that you've never done before, you don't argue.
The truth is, anyone with a little training but a lot of confidence (or having been told to) could perform some impressive feats.
Instead of mocking the martial arts maybe you should have a go first.
( , Fri 20 Apr 2012, 14:08, closed)

And I think several years of aikido & judo counts as having a go.
( , Sat 21 Apr 2012, 2:34, closed)

It's often hard to tell exactly what your point really is.
You obviously don't realize that myself (and quite a few others that post here) understand, respect and maintain discipline in martial arts classes. We only come across as something to mock to those that don't understand.
Your instant references to the Karate Kid (what was aload of old bollocks and not even karate, more Wing Chun) is typical of many people that are quicker to take the piss than think how stupid it really makes them look.
And no, several years of aikido and judo doesn't count if you were just as much a twat in those classes as you seem to be here.
( , Sat 21 Apr 2012, 8:16, closed)

you "Sensei".
And the Mr. Miyagi /Karate Kid ref. is piss-taking, not necessarily mocking btw. You really come across as a stereotypical macho martial arts wanker.
Also this is b3ta - I'm sure there are people here who practice some form of martial arts (as evidenced by this weeks responses at least) but I think you may like to review the demographic 1 more time before making blanket references.
Also, thank you for discounting the hundreds, nay thousands of hours of learning and practicing that I did just because my point of view doesn't adhere to your small view of the world.
( , Sat 21 Apr 2012, 10:24, closed)

If you weren't so bitter and angry you'd have read that I said you were taking the piss with the Karate Kid reference, not mocking. Makes you look even more twattish now, if that were possible.
I should think that stating anyone who properly trains in martial arts understands dicipline isn't so much a blanket reference, as a statement of facts. I honestly don't give a toss about your point of view, but if you honestly believe that you've become very good at something without a high level of dedication then you're sounding like the macho wanker who thinks he's become good at without having to put the effort in that others do.
Thank you for confirming to me and probably anyone else reading this that you are in fact the little spunkbubble you sound like.
You seem to be more concerned about one-upmanship than actually saying something useful or contriduting this this thread.
I await yet another childish rant about small mindedness and how because MY point of view doesn't match yours, I'm in the wrong.
( , Sat 21 Apr 2012, 19:58, closed)

I'm having a good laugh at you, and in your little mind you think you're doing something clever or outwitting me? Pffft.
No doubt you're one of those that think you're manipulating someone or making them mad over the internet. I'm sure it makes you feel good about yourself.
( , Sun 22 Apr 2012, 9:49, closed)

You've a very strange way of thinking. I'm sure you're happy though, which is the main thing.
( , Sun 22 Apr 2012, 10:09, closed)

So the parents just sat there and let a goon in pyjamas reduce a dislocated hip, and then make the kid carry on?
I suppose it's possible there were that many retards all in place.
( , Sun 22 Apr 2012, 20:34, closed)

Your comment does sound a bit retarded in iteself. You're obviously taking a negative view and making what you think it a witty comment.
Laughably, you're missing the point. Waaaaay off.
What. A. Schmuck.
( , Sun 22 Apr 2012, 20:54, closed)

ignore the troll.
My Aikido sensei used to regularly pop the vertibrae in my spine back in for me when I was going through an agonising growth spurt. In fact, I trusted him to do it because he knew what he was doing and I had great respect for him.
Martial arts isn't just about the kicking and the punching, as most of us who trained properly would know. It's also about healing, dignity, respect and cooperation. Most senseis worth their salt would be able to pop in a dislocated limb without incident. I can't even come close to describing how much I miss my old sensei, I haven't seen him in five years and I still have the utmost respect for that man.
( , Thu 26 Apr 2012, 9:47, closed)

I'm no expert, but I believe dislocated vertebrate would involve a certain amount of permanent paralysis with the associated incontinence, impotence and the like. Have you notice a wheelchair in your hallway and a smell of shit pervading your home?
( , Thu 26 Apr 2012, 12:10, closed)
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