Sporting Woe
In which we ask a bunch of pasty-faced shut-ins about their exploits on the sports field. How bad was it for you?
Thanks to scarpe for the suggestion.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 Apr 2012, 13:40)
Why not ask for the return of your contribution through taxation
you fat fucking spactic
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Mon 23 Apr 2012, 13:31,
2 replies)
Another witty reply from rory.
The Mock Turtle ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Mon 23 Apr 2012, 13:46,
i like that he spelled spastic wrong too
spactic sounds well cool, you spactic
Quintno EXPERIMENT RUINED CANCELLED, LEFT 4EVER, Mon 23 Apr 2012, 14:08,
You spacticist!
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Mon 23 Apr 2012, 21:57,
would do
but I was too busy laying a cable on your mum's tits
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Mon 23 Apr 2012, 16:28,